Biological Forum - An International Journal - Volume 3(2): 2011
Table of Contents
Insecticidal Activity of the Phyto-extracts Derived from Different parts of the trees of Fabaceae family against Hyblaea puera Cramer Lepidoptera: Hyblaeidae)
B. Deepa and O.K. Remadevi
Studies on Feeding Characteristics of Oligonychus biharensis (Hirst)
(Acari: Tetranychidae) infesting Cassava
Sangeetha G. Kaimal and N. Ramani
Standardization and Stability Study of Jawarish-e-Bisbasa, A Unani
Sonali Patil*, Sharique Zafar**, U.S. Bapat* and Manisha Bhoir*
Nematode Parasites of Karbhala Wetland in Silchar Assam
Khaidem Binky*, M. Shomorendra** and Devashish Kar*
Post Ovipositional Changes in the Egg Chorionic Ultrastructure of the Dragonfly Pantala flavescens (Fabricius)
(Insecta: Odonata: Anisoptera)
R.J. Andrew*, Payal Verma** and M.K. Rathodi***
In-vitro Mutagenic Studies in Solanum viarum
D.R. Maruthi Kumar and D.H. Tejavathi
Plant Species Diversity in Ropa - Giavung Valley in Cold Deserts of
District Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh
R.K. Verma and K.S. Kapoor
The Serological Variation Among Tribal and Non-Tribal Popullation of Himachal Pradesh
Indira Pathania
The Effects of Plants Toxin from Fruit Extract of Sapindus laurifolius on Mortality of Fresh Water Snail, Bellamya bengalensis (Lamark)
Jini Deshmane* and S.G. Nanaware**
Effect of Ambient Temperature on the Growth of Fat Cells in Ageing Dysdereus similis Freeman (Pyrrhocoridae Hetroptera)
Sadhna Tamot
Electrochemical Treatment of Bleach Effluent of Pulp and Paper Mill
Ravinder Kumar* and Ravi Kant Pareek**
Association of Ants and Honeydew Producing Sucking Pests in
Bangalore Provenance of Sandal (Santalum album Linn.)
Gaurav Sharma* and R. Sundararaj**
Biochemical Changes Induced by Dimethoate in the Liver of Fresh
Water Fish Puntius Ticto (HAM)
R.M. Ganeshwade
New Records of Odonates from Andaman and Nicobar Islands
C. Sivaperuman*, Suresh Kumar Shah* and K. Venkataraman**