Biological Forum - An International Journal - Volume 13(2): 2021
Minitablets: Recent Trends and Developments with an update on Research and Patents
Sagar, Rajesh Kumar, Mangesh Pradeep Kulkarni, P.B. Vandana, Sheetu Wadhwa, Gurvinder Singh
and Arun Sharma
In vitro and in vivo Evaluation of Chemical Fungicides against Sclerotium rolfsii causing Collar Rot of Chickpea
Bana Sravani and Ram Chandra
Standardization of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Propagation through Cuttings
G. Siva Koteswara Rao*, I.A. Bisati1, Umar Iqubal, S.A. Bhat, S.A. Mir and F.U. Khan
Studies on Physical Properties and Organoleptic Qualities of Jackfruit Seed Powder based Extruded Product
Thejas Gowda K.S., Sadananda G.K., Laxman Kukanoor, Kirankumar Gorabal, Kiran Nagajjanavar, Sumangala Koulagi6and Darshan M.B.
Impact of the Various Organic Manures Supplemented with Standard Package on Soil Properties for Mulberry Production in Chamarajanagar District under Southern Dry Zone of Karnataka
Mahesh D. S., Doreswamy C. , Ramakrishna Naika, Chikkalingaiah, Subbarayappa C. T.
and Venkatesh M.
Performance of Tuberose Genotypes under North Bihar Agro Climatic Conditions
A.K. Singh, Arun Kumar, Sushil Kumar Singh and Rajeev Ranjan
Review on Frontline Demonstration of KVK and its Effect on Yield, Economics, Income and Management Practices of Different Crops in India
Shesh Narain Singh, Manoj Kumar, M. P. Gautam and R. K. Doharey
Impact of Elicitor Seed Treatment of Mustard Genotypes on Various Defense Related Compounds against Alternaria Blight of Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea)
Pravallikasree Rayanoothala*, Divya M., Sunita Mahapatra and Srikanta Das
Influence of Sowing Dates and Zinc Levels on Growth and Yield of Summer Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.)
Nihal Dwivedi, Umesha C. and M. R. Meshram
Biocontrol of Fusarium Wilt in Tomato: An Eco-friendly and Cost Effective Approach
Raina Bajpai, Basavaraj Teli, Md. Mahtab Rashid, Satyabrata Nanda,
Sudheer Kumar Yadav and Gagan Kumar
Effect of Foliar Application of Vasicine on Gas Exchange Parameters, Proline Content and SOD Activity in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
Sivakumar Rathinavelu
A Systematic Review on Effects of Training on Adaptation and Improvement of Crop Production, Productivity, Crop Protection and Livestock Development
Shesh Narain Singh, M.P. Gautam, Manoj Kumar, S.P. Sonkar, Pardeep Kumar, L.C. Verma, D.P. Singh and P.K. Misra
A Review on the Therapeutic Roles of Selected Thermophilic Secondary Metabolites
Stephen Ameho and Evangeline Christina
Assessment of Genetic Parameters, Trait Association and Diversity Analysis in Indian Mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern and Coss]
Santanu Nandi, Sanghamitra Rout, Bijaya Sur, Moumita Chakraborty, Lakshmi Hijam, Suvendu Kumar Roy and Archi Gupta
Ergonomically Evaluating and Modifying Fodder Cutter by Increasing Number of Blades and Varying Throat Geometry
Jaya Sinha and Adarsh Kumar
Impact of Water Management and Crop Establishment Methods on Growth and Qualitative Characters of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Kartikeya Choudhary, V.K. Srivastava, U.P. Singh, Anoop Kumar Devedee and Ashvin Kumar Meena
Socio-Economic Profile, Market Awareness, Profitability and Plant Protection Knowledge of Mango Growerin India: Case Study
Manoj Kumar, M.P. Gautam, R.K. Doharey, Shesh Narain Singh, Raj Bahadur and Subodh Kumar
Estimation of Yield Loss Caused by Alcidodes porrectirostris in Walnut Growing Areas of Jammu Division (J &K)
Mushtaq Ahmad Guroo, Hafeez Ahmad, Rakesh Kumar Gupta, Mudasir Gani, Kamlesh Bali, Muzafar Mir and Sudhir Singh Jamwal
Studies on North-West Himalayan Russulaceae
Shilpa Sood, Reeti Singh and Ramesh Chandra Upadhyay
Studies on Development and Quality Evaluation of Mixed Fruit Bar Fortified with Whey Protein Concentrate
R.N. Shaikh, B.S. Agarkar, B.M. Patil and R.B. Kshirsagar
Effect of Neonicotinoid Acetamiprid and Imidacloprid Insecticides on Antioxidant Peroxidase Activity in Earthworm Eisenia fetida
Parveen Gill, Dharambir Singh, Bajrang Lal Sharma, R.K. Gupta, Tejpal Dahiya, Dommapati Sudhakar Rao, Deepika Lather and Naresh Kumar
Effect of Moisture Content and Loading Rate on Grain Detachment and Rupture Force of Paddy
Prerana P. Jena, A.K. Goel, S.K. Swain, R.R. Pattnaik and D. Behera
Limnology of Coldwater in Lentic and Lotic Water Bodies and Fishery Status in the Streams of Himachal Pradesh, India
Indu Sharma
Determining Combining Ability for Fruit Yield and its Component Traits in Bottle Gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standl.]
Himalay R. Patel and D.R. Mehta
Occurrence and Prevalence of Fusarium Wilt in Major Pigeonpea Growing Areas of North Eastern Karnataka
Bindhu, K.G., Yenjerappa, S.T., Ajithkumar, K., Gururaj Sunkad, Sreenivasa, A.G.
and Mahadevaswamy
A Review-Vermicomposting: An Effective option for Agriculture Waste Management
Santosh Korav, Anudeep B Malannavar and Lochan Sharma
A Study on Biology and Management of Spotted Pod Borer, Maruca vitrata (Geyer) in Legumes
T.R. Pandit and S.A. Dwivedi
Updated Snakes Check List and Extended Distribution of Five Species in the State of Telangana
Bharath Simha P. , Kummari Swamy, B. Naresh, L. Paramesh, B. Sadasivaiah and V. Vasudeva Rao
Comparative Analysis of effect of Nanoparticles Synthesized by Chemical and Green Methods on Seed Germination: A Review
Anjali Kumari, Chetna, Vanshika Rastogi, Battula Someshekar and Evangeline Christina
Evaluation of Bottle Gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.] Hybrids for Fruit Yield and Economics in Prayagraj Agro-Climatic Conditions
Anuj Sohi, V.M. Prasad, Priya Priyanka Tudu and Manoj Kumar
Predominant Sedges & Broad-Leaved Weed Management by Herbicides and its Impact on Yield Parameters, Harvest Index and Grain Yield, Straw Yield of Kharif Direct Seeded Rice
Doppalapudi Vijaya Rani, Pinto B., Kanu M. and Srijani M.
A Review: Clonal and Plantation Trials of Eucalyptus in India
Navratan Gahlot, N.K. Bohra, Rawal Ram and Anuj Soni
Variability among the Isolates of Sarocladium oryzae Isolated from Bihar (Zone I)
Nithin Kumar J.N. and Bimla Rai
Effect of Weather Variables on the Development of Field Bean Anthracnose at Different Dates of Sowing
S. Narasimha Rao, S.L. Bhattiprolu, V. Prasanna Kumari, A. Vijaya Gopal and V. Sekhar
Management of Natural Resources in Indo-Gangetic Plain Region of India for Sustainable Agricultural Land Use Planning - A Case Study
Ashok Kumar, Sandeep Kumar Lal and R.S. Meena
Validation of Linked Markers of Blast and Blight Resistance Genes among Black Rice Accession’s of North East India
Noor Ahmed, S., Madhav, M.S., Padma, V. and Satish, Y.
Lemongrass a Wonder Herb of Poaceae Family: An Overview
Spriha, Rattandeep Singh and Anupam Kumar
Efficacy of Foliar Nutrient Sprays on Vegetative Traits of Sweet Cherry cv. Regina under High Density Plantation
Ejaz A. Parray, M. K. Sharma, K. M. Bhat, A. R. Malik, F.A. Khan, M. A. Bhat and J. I. A. Bhat
Studies on Development, Sensory Evaluation and Nutritional Composition of Quinoa Bar
Bawachkar R.R., More D.R., Alane S.T., Praveen B.R. and Swami A.M.
Effect of Short-term Storage Conditions on Seed Germination of Fraxinus micrantha
Manisha Thapliyal, Namitha N.K., Amit Kumar, Kanupriya Rathore and Sheeshram Dangwal
Assessment of Morphological Diversity in Indigenous Ambri apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.)
Koushalya Devi, Kiran Kour and Parshant Bakshi, B.C. Sharma, Manmohan Sharma
and B.K. Sinha
Economics of In Vitro Grown Plantlets of Clonal Apple MM-106 Rootstock
Manmohan Lal, Mahital Jamwal, Manmohan Sharma, Parshant Bakshi, Amit Jasrotia, Amit Kumar and Akshay Deep
Effect of Modified Steel Slag Application as Soil Amendment on Soil Quality and Spinach Yield in a Copper Contaminated Vertisol
M. Vassanda Coumar, M. Sharma, R.C. Jain, J. K. Saha, S.C. Gupta, S. Rajendiran6 and A.K. Patra
Moisture Dependent Physical and Engineering Properties of Pearl Millet Grains
S. Panda, S.K. Swain, D. Behera, D.K. Mohanty, A.K. Mohapatra, K. Rayaguru and A.K. Dash
Investigation on Effect of Mycoflora of Paddy Seed on Weight of Seed, Germination of Seed and Vigour Index of Seedling
L.B. Singh, R.W. Ingle, S.R. Potdukhe, T.S. Pillai, S. S. Isokar, V.D. Pawar and M. Qutub
Substrate Evaluation for Mass Multiplication of Entomopathogenic Fungal Isolates for Management of Walnut Weevil
Mushtaq Ahmad Guroo, Rakesh Kumar Gupta, Hafeez Ahmad, Mudasir Gani, Kamlesh Bali, Mohd. Ayoub Mantoo, Amit K. Singh, Ajay Gupta and Muneeshwar Sharma
Standardization of Novel Mushroom Jerky and Consumer Preference
P. Geetha, A. Sudha and P. Preetha
In vitro Evaluation of various Fungicides against Spore Germination Inhibition of Erysiphe cichoracearum DC. in bhendi
Ashwini R., Y. S. Amaresh, Sunil Kulkarni, Yenjerappa, S.T., Shekhargouda Patil and S. G. Hanchinal
Effect of Termitomyces sp. on Decolorization and Degradation of Congo Red (CR)
Kavitha Mary Jackson* and Velu Gomathi
Influence of Antioxidants on in vitro Culture Establishment of Clonal Apple Rootstocks
Manmohan Lal, Mahital Jamwal, Parshant Bakshi, Amit Jasrotia, Nirmal Sharma, Mamta Sharma, Prabhdeep Singh, Sakshi Sharma and Sanjay Kumar
Diversity Analysis of Grain Attributes in Restorer Lines of Rice (Oryzae sativa)
S. Tiwari, G.K. Koutu and N. Pathak
New Distributional Record of Indian Sand Snake Psammophis condanarus (Merrem, 1820) (Reptilia: Lamprophiidae) from Telangana, India
Kummari Swamy, Baja Naresh, Bharath Simha Yadav and V. Vasudeva Rao
Combining Ability Studies for Fruit Yield and its Components in Bottle Gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standl.]
J. R. Balat, J. B. Patel, I. R. Delvadiya and A. V. Ginoya
Response of Irrigation and Hydrogel on Growth and Yield of Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) under eastern UP Condition
Sumit Ray, Umesha C. and M. R. Meshram
Influence of Spacing and Phosphorus on Growth and Yield of Green Gram (Vigna radiata L.) in Prayagraj Condition
Vikramjeet Singh and Vikram Singh
Appraisal of Biological Yield and Economic Returns of Existing Agroforestry Systems in Tehsil Bangana of Una District of Himachal Pradesh, India
Jattin Sharma, Som Dutt Sharma, Kamal Sharma, and Dushyant Sharma
Studies on Evaluation of Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Genotypes for the Coastal Region of Karaikal
V. Kanthaswamy, Jibna Annie George and E. Venkadeswaran
Indigenous Schizthoracine Fishes as Bioindicators of Parasitic Infections in Kashmir
Jehangir Hudha, Manzoor ur Rehman, Imtiyaz Qayoom, Showkeen Bashir and Arif Ali
Common Aeromonas Infections in Ornamental Fishes: A review
Mayank Soni, Qurratul An Qureshi, Monalisa Mishra, Chandrabhushan Shivkumar Nishad, Bhagchand Chhaba and Sushree Akankshya Das
Studies on Technology Development, Organoleptic Evaluation and Proximate Composition of Instant Sorghum Tortilla Mix
Alane S.T., Gadhe K.S., Pandit M.G. and Bawachkar R.R.
Green Manure Crops: A Review
A.V. Ramanjaneyulu, N. Sainath, D. Swetha, R. Uma Reddy and R. Jagadeeshwar
Effect of Different Weed Management Practices of Moth bean (Vigna aconitifolia)
Santanu Kumar Moharana, Shikha Singh, Kakali Deb and Kimudu Girisha
Effect of Light Intensity and Different Levels of Nitrogen on Growth, Yield and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Giant Mustard (Brassica juncea var. Wong Bok)
Yash Kumar Singh, Samir Ebson Topno, Vijay Bahadur and Pragya Shrivastava
Studies on Correlation for Growth, Yield and Quality Characters in Cherry Tomato [Solanum lycopersicum (L.) var. cerasiforme Mill.]
E. Venkadeswaran, P. Irene Vethamoni, T. Arumugam, N. Manivannan and S. Harish
Hybrids Evaluation of Bottle Gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.] for Fruit Growth Yield Quality and Morphological Traits in Prayagraj Agro-Climatic Conditions
Anuj Sohi, V.M. Prasad, Vijay Bahadur and Samir E. Topno
Assessment of Physical Properties of Soils of Darjeeling District, West Bengal, India
Anushka Rai, Tarence Thomas, Arun Alfred David and Raghunandan Singh Khatana
Characterizing Forest Fire Fuel in mid-hills of Himachal Pradesh
Divya Mehta and Parminder Kaur Baweja
Effect of Irrigation Regimes and Herbicides on Phalaris Minor in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Kairovin Lakra
Determinants of Farmers indebtedness and Promptness of Repayment in Andhra Pradesh
S. Amrutha and I.V.Y. Rama Rao
Detection of Seed Borne Mycoflora Associated with Paddy Varieties of Eastern Vidarbha
L.B. Singh, R.W. Ingle, S.R. Potdukhe, T.S. Pillai and R.M. Wadaskar
Biology of Red Flour Beetle Tribolium castaneum (Hbst.) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) on Stored Sesame
B. Sundar, Vishwakarma Rashmi, P. Duraimurugan, Navya Matcha and K. Ramesh
Studies on Genetic Divergence in Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) under Southern Telangana Region
Jogdhande Srinivas, K. Ravinder Reddy, P. Saidaiah, K. Anitha, S.R. Pandravada and M. Balram
UmTricho a liquid bioformulation of indigenous strain of Trichoderma harzianum effectively managed the tikka disease (Cercospora spp.) of groundnut, Arachis hypogea L. under the agroecological condition of Meghalaya
Pranab Dutta, Lipa Deb, Jyotim Gogoi, Madhusmita Mahanta, Arti Kumari, Alinaj Yasin and Anwesha Sharma
Oviposition Responses of Helicoverpa armigera towards Different Chickpea Varieties as Influenced by Sowing Dates and Irrigation Levels under Field Condition
Yogendra Kumar Mishra, Amit Kumar Sharma, R. Shiv Ramakrishnan, Shobha Sondhia, A. K. Bhowmick, Deep Pahalwan and Yogita Gharde
Studies on Factors Influencing Callus Induction in elite Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) Cultivar TMV (Gn) 13
Feba Annie Mathew, Rajesh, S., Rajagopal, B. and Chandirakala, R.
Studies on Acceptability, Chemical Composition and Cost Structure of Nutritious Quinoa Kheer
Praveen B.R., More D.R., Megha K.C., Bawachkar R.R. and Vennela V.R.
The Effect of Plant Growth Hormones and Bio-fertilizers on Growth and Economics of Summer Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)
Kadamandla Jerusha, Vikram Singh and Dhananjay Tiwari
The Potential of Production of Meat Analogue by using Indian Legumes - A Review
A. Poshadri and V.S. Pawar
Influence of Physicomorphic and Biochemical Resistance Attributing Characters of Shoot and Fruit on Yield in Brinjal Genotypes
Ch. Chinnabbai, S. Dayakar, A. Sujatha, P. Anil Kumar, S.K. Nafeez Umar and V. Sekhar
Exploitation of Genetic Variability in Linseed
Shiva Kumar K., Rajanna B., Ajith Kumar K., Ananda N. and P.K. Singh
Six Generation Mean Analysis for yield and its Attributing Characters in Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.)
Rajanna B., Ajith Kumar K., Shiva Kumar K., Ananda N. and P.K. Singh
Biology and Role of Plant biophysical Parameters in cardamom and castor for Resistance to Shoot and capsule borers, Conogethes sahyadriensis sp. nov. and Conogethes punctiferalis Guenée (Crambidae : Lepidoptera)
B. Doddabasappa, Mutthuraju, G.P. and A.K. Chakravarthy
Evaluation of Newer Acaricides and biorationals against eriophyid mite, Aceria jasmini (Chann.) on Hadagali Jasmine
Hanumanthappa Shrihari, Prabhuraj A., Arunkumar Hosamani, Sushila Nadagouda and Amaresh Y.S.
Correlation and Path Analysis in Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi L.)
Chaitanya K., Narayanapur V.B., Y. C. Vishwanath and Sarvamangala C.
What Regulates Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen in Agrifarms ?
Priyadarshani Pathak and A.S. Reddy
Evaluation of Different Doses of Indole-3-Butyric Acid (IBA) and Rooting Media on the Vegetative Growth Parameters of Apple Clonal Rootstocks
Sachin H.R., Nowsheen Nazir, Aroosa Kalil, Shemoo Nisar and Shaila Din
Standardization of DNA Extraction protocols in underexploited Cherry Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. var. cerasiforme) Genotypes of North East India
Naorem Bidyaleima Chanu, P. Sarma, Chandra Deo, B.N. Hazarika, Amit Kumar Singh and Md Ramjan
Performance of Cowpea variety TPTC 29 in Western mandals of Chittoor dt.
Sahaja Deva, M. Mallikarjun, Prasanna lakshmi Ravuri and M. Reddi Kumar
Assessment of Optimum Dose and Source of Sulphur for Getting Improved Yield, Quality and Nutrient Uptake in Sugarcane
B. Asha Jyothi, T. Sujatha and K. Subhash Chandra Bose
Seed Enhancement Technique to Alleviate the Effect of Salinity Stress in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus)
M. Sanjay, A.K. Chaurasia, Vikram Singh and G. Varun
Effects of Probiotics Supplementation on Growth Performance of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)
C. Pandian, S. Ezhil Valavan, A. Sundaresan and A.V. Omprakash
Impact of Continuous Application of Fertilizer and Organic Manure on Soil Physical Properties of a Vertisol in Central India
Jyoti Bangre, A. K. Dwivedi, M. Mohanty, Subhash, Shish Ram Jakhar and Nishant K. Sinha
Assessment of Genetic Variability Parameters for Yield and its Components in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
Ashish Gautam, R.K. Panwar, S.K. Verma, Anju Arora, Amit Kumar Gaur and Charupriya Chauhan
Effect of Organic Sources of Nutrient on Quality Traits, Soil Nutrient Status and Economics of Cluster Bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.)
J.H. Brahmbhatt, S.K. Acharya*, Mukesh Kumar, Sanjay Prajapati and D.L. Parmar
Effect of Addition of quinoa Flour on Cooking and Sensorial qualities of Noodles
Gaikwad K.K., Pawar V.S., Pawar G.S. and Shingote A.B.
Evaluation of Diversity Among Tree and Leaf characteristics of Ambri apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) in Jammu region
Koushalya Devi, Kiran Kour, Parshant Bakshi, B.C. Sharma, Manmohan Sharma and B.K. Sinha
Effect of different Types of Media and Containers on Germination, Survival, Growth and Establishment of Papaya (Carica papaya L.) cv. Red Lady under Protected Condition
Pragya Shrivastava, V.M. Prasad, H.K. Panigrahi, Vijay Bahdur and Yash Kr. Singh
Effect of Application of FYM and Chemical Fertilizers on Yield and Proximate Analysis of Maize Green Fodder
C.B. Mane, K.U. Bidwe, R.R. Shelke, N.S. Satpute and P.A. Kahate
Weed Dynamics in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) as Influenced by Different Establishment Methods and Nutrient Management Practices
Rakesh Kumar, D.K. Singh, Gangadhar Nanda and Anupama Rawat
Role of Krishi Vigyan Kendras in Strengthening Agriculture Extension in India
Acharya Balkrishna, Brijesh Kumar and Vedpriya Arya
Technological Interventions in the Physicochemical Analysis of Food Products: Validation of Nutraceutical Content
Shailja Mishra, Deepika Srivastava and Nidhi Sharma
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN): A Golden Initiative by Indian Government
Acharya Balkrishna, Hemant Sharma, Nidhi Sharma, Sakshi and Vedpriya Arya
Mapping Fruit Crops Diversity in Bilaspur District using Geo Spatial Techniques
Vikas Kumar Sharma, Himanshu Mehta, Som Dev Sharma and R.S. Rana
Studies on Different Varietal Evaluation of Jamun (Syzygium cumini L. Skeels) for Establishment under Prayagraj Agro Climatic Condition
Shubham Jain, Saket Mishra and Vijay Bahadur
Effect of Spinetoram 11.7 SC and some Newer Chemicals against Spodoptera litura (F.) on Soybean
Navya Matcha*, P. Duraimurugan and A.K. Bhowmick
Relational Analysis of Foodgrains and its Seed Production in India: Current Scenario and Future Prospects
Rajeev Kumar Srivastava and Sudhanand Prasad Lal
Nutrient content in Fresh substrata, partial Decomposed Matter and Vermicompost under different Treatments
S.B. Agrawal, Ruchi Gupta, Shani Gulaiya, Ashish Kumar and Priya Kochale