Biological Forum - An International Journal - Volume 15(1): 2023
Selection of Blast Resistant Lines from Diverse Germplasm Set of Foxtail Millet
Kiran Makwana, Sushma Tiwari, M.K. Tripathi and Vinod Patel
Performance of Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) as influenced by Humic Acid and Water Soluble Fertilizers on Vegetative Parameters under Naturally Ventilated Polyhouse
Sampada Mareguddikar, Manjunath Rathod, Priyanka R. and Madaiah D.
Effect of Moisture Regimes on Growth and Root characteristics of Rice Cultivars under Aerobic condition in Summer Season
K. Indudhar Reddy, A. Zaman, Mahadev Pramanick, S.K. Patra and N.C. Das
Performance of Elite Floribunda Rose Cultivars for Yield, Yield Parameters, Economics and Consumer Acceptability for Consecutive Two Years under North Eastern Transitional Zone of Karnataka
Vijayalaxmi G.P., Seetaramu G.K., Imamsaheb Jatth and Ganeshgouda Patil
Physico-chemical Evaluation of the Squash prepared from different Varieties of Peach
Navin Singh, Karimullah, Sampurna Nand Singh and Shreshtha Chandra
Evaluation of Taro (Colocasia esculenta L.) Genotypes for Growth, Yield and Quality Attributes under the Hill Zone of Karnataka
Sangeeta, Devaraju, G.K. Latha, B. Arunkumar, C.S. Ravi, Y. Kantharaj and H.S. Yallesh Kumar
Incidence of Leaf Eating Beetle Podontia quatuordecimpunctata L. on Greater Hog plum (Spondias dulcis Forst.) in Gangetic Plains of West Bengal
Sabyasachi Ray and A. Banerjee
Morphometric Analysis of Ranganadi Watershed in Lakhimpur District of Assam, India, using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
Tilak Prasad Panika, Dilip Kumar Patgiri, Prem Kumar Bharteey, Rituparna Saikia and Dipankar Sonowal
Effect of Rice Straw on Weed Populations, Biomass and Yield of Wheat under Zero and Conventional Tillage Practices
Nesar Ahmad Nesar, R. Puniya, B.R. Bazaya, Vikas Sharma, B.K. Sinha, Tuhina Dey and B.C. Sharma
Preparation of Hand-Made Chocolates and the Nutritional Composition of its Ingredients
Fr. T. Amala Arockia Raj S.J., M. Muniya Naik, M. Rama Mohan, P. Ramesh Kumar, P.Venkata Vishwa Prasad, K. Chandra Mohan, R. Reddemma, D.Veera Nagendra Kumar, G. V i n a y C V S and V. Uday Kiran
Feeding and Housing Management Practices of Dairy Animals Followed by Dairy Farmers of North Bihar
Subhash Kumar Saurav, Ritu Chakravarty, Pushpendra Yadav, Saurabh Pandey, Shubham Mishra and Vani Chandran
Evaluation of Groundwater Potential Mapping: A Review
Priyamvada M. Dhage, M.L. Sahu, S. Nema and M.K. Awasthi
Field Screening of Lentil Germplasm against Wilt of lentil caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lentis
Sanjay Kharte, Ashish Kumar, Smita Puri, R. Shiv Ramakrishnan, Radheshyam Sharma, Yashowardhan Singh and Sanhita Malvi
Optimization of Young Jackfruit-Based Meat Analogue using Sensory Profile by D-Optimal Mixture Design
Hemamalini S., V. Perasiriyan, S.K. Mathanghi, R. Ramani and Sunil Raj S.
Andrographolide from the Methanol Fraction of Andrographis paniculata Leaves: Isolation and Characterization
Anand Shriram Baley and Tarkeshwar Prasad Shukla
Evaluation of Analgesic Activity of Ethanolic, Hydroethanolic, Aqueous and Chloroform Extracts of Nyctanthes arbortristis Leaves
Debnath S., Hazarika A. and Sarma J.
Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on Flowering, Flower Quality and Flower Yield of Gaillardia (Gaillardia pulchella Foug.) under Hill Zone of Karnataka
Indhumathi M., Chandrashekar S.Y., Srinivasa V., Shivaprasad M. and Girish R.
Character Association and Path coefficient Analysis for Yield and Yield Contributing Traits in F2 Population of Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia L.)
Nikhil Sharma, Vilas D. Gasti, M. G. Kerutagi, Vijayakumar Rathod, Namita Bhasker Raut and Dileepkumar A. Masuthi
Studies on Uptake of Nutrients by Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as influenced by different Nutrient Management Approaches
Ummesalma Sanadi, K.K. Math and Kiran Emmiganur
In Vitro Apoptosis Detection of MCF-7 and HCT116 Cells by Aqueous Plant Extract from Stachytarpheta mutabilis using PI Annexin V-FITC Flow Cytometry Assay
Ramesh Londonkar and Maithilee Kesralikar
The Impact of Nutrition Education and Dietary Counselling on Anthropometric Measurements of Adolescent Girls belonging to different Socio-economic Backgrounds, Bihar
Debjani Das and Abhijit Das
Proso Millet Breeding Progress, Status of Genomic Resources and Future Aspects of Improvement
Ikkurti Gopinath and Kamre Kranthi Kumar
Use of Piperine as a Natural Bioenhancer in Formulation Development and Evaluation of Mouth Dissolving Film of Ziprasidone
Prashant L. Pingale, Sahebrao S. Boraste, Dattatraya M. Shinkar, Anjali P. Pingale and Sunil V. Amrutkar
Evaluation of Biopesticides against Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Maize during Rabi
Sahana M., Pramod Katti, A. Prabhuraj, Arunkumar Hosamani and Satyanarayana Rao
Effect of Sowing Time and Seed Treatment in Management of Collar Rot of Chickpea
Priya Tiwari, Ashish Kumar, Vedant Gautam, R. Shivramakrishnan, R.S. Sharma, Pooja Parmar and Sanjay Kharte
Development and Evaluation of Recombinant Inbred Lines for Yield and Quality Traits in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
S. Chethan Kumar, R. S. Jawadagi, B. Fakrudin, C.N. Hanchinamani, M.S. Kulkarni, T.N. Lakshmidevamma and R. Vijayakumar
Evaluation of Insecticides for the Management of Leaf Folder in Rice Crop
B. Sampath Reddy, B.N. Chaudhari and P.V. Sanap
Effect of different Levels of Nitrogen and Growth Retardant on Yield and Lodging Percent in Transplanted Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Priyanka J., Ramesha Y.M., Krishnamurthy D., Siddaram and Chandra Naik M.
Enhancing Productivity of Blackgram through drip Fertigation
Anitta Fanish S. and S. Paneer Selvam
Screening of Brinjal Genotypes against Bacterial Wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum
D. Sabina Mary, Gayatri Biswal, G.S. Sahu, A.K. Senapati and K.C. Samal
Heterosis and Combining Ability Studies in Okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench] for Yield and Yield Contributing Traits
G. Prakash, G.K. Halesh and B. Fakrudin
Effect of Ecto-parasitic Infestations on Histology and Growth of Clarias gariepinus
Baba Tabasum, Shabana Arjamand, Imtiyaz Qayoom, Sameena Khan and Shabir A. Dar
Fertilizer Recommendations Developed through STCR with Integrated Nutrient Management Supply for Mustard in Inceptisol
Y.V. Singh, S.K. Singh, P.K. Bharteey, S.R. Borah, Kajal Singh and P. Dey
Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plants used by Malayali Tribes in Palamalai Hills Salem District, Tamil Nadu, India
Ranjani N., Kannan R., Kokila D. and Bhuvaneswari V.
Effect of Micronutrients (Zinc and Manganese) on Growth, Quality Flower Production and Postharvest Vase Life of La Hybrid Lilium Cv. Pavia
Nivya K.R., M.K. Singh, Namita, Ritu Jain, Rakesh Pandey and M.C. Meena
Inclusion of Seed Production in Rice Based Cropping Sequence as a Means for Doubling Farmers’ Income
Sanjib Ranjan Borah, Pompi Dutta, Sameeron Bhattacharjya, Milan Jyoti Konwar, Mayuri Baruah, Arunima Bharali, Rituraj Saikia, Jyoti Lekha Borah and Sanjay Kr Chetia
Genetic Variability Studies for Growth, Yield and Quality Traits in Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) Germplasm under Sub Tropical conditions of Jammu
Atal Hameedi, Satesh Kumar, R. K. Samnotra, S.K. Rai, Manish Kr. Sharma and Vikas Abrol
Study on Utilization Pattern of Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) among Farm Families in Patna District of Bihar
Ashish Anand, Syed H. Mazhar, Sweta Sahoo, Smaranika Mohanty and Soumya Sakti Dash
Screening of Soybean Genotypes for Resistance to Root rot Disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani in Assam condition
Priyankee Dutta, Munmi Borah and Prasanta Kumar Goswami
Proximate, Physicochemical and Functional Analysis of Herbal Frozen Dessert
Pavithra T., Geetha P., Selvan P. and Karpoora Sundara Pandian N.
Yield Attributing Traits and Economic Efficacy of Pineapple as Influenced by Plant Growth Regulators and Micronutrients
Bijay Kumar Baidya, Kundan Kishore, Deepa Samant, S.N. Dash, R.K. Panda, Ankita Sahu and Kuldeep K. Shukla
Evaluation of Cone and Flat Fan Nozzle used for Agricultural Drone Spraying and its Performance Assessment
Kailashkumar B., S.S. Sivakumar, J. John Gunasekar, V. Alex Albert and R. Ravikumar
A Study on Area-Production-Productivity of Minor Millets in India
Sangappa, D. Rafi and K. Srinivasa Babu
Horticultural Crop Processing Industry: Potential and Prospects Madhya Pradesh
Vijay Agrawal, Alok Dhar Dubey and Sanjeev Verma
Efficacy of different Botanicals against Blue Butterfly, Lempides boeticus in Pigeonpea
G.D. Hadiya, C.B. Damor and R.G. Machhar
Effect of different Natural Farming Practices on NPK and Chlorophyll Content of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) under Sub humid Southern plains of Rajasthan
Pinky Yadav, S.K. Sharma, Roshan Choudhary, Gajanand Jat, B. Upadhayay, S.S. Sisodia and Sonal Athnere
Influence of Media, VAM (Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae) and Supplementary Nutrients on Growth of Khasi Mandarin Seedlings (Citrus reticulata Blanco)
Tumula Rushi Kumar, N. Devachandra, P.K. Nimbolkar, A.S. Mailappa, Arwankie Shadap, N.T. Chanu and L. Wangchu
Standardization of Rootstock for Almond Propagation under Sub Tropical conditions
Navroop Kaur and Amarjeet Kaur
Indian Agriculture with Special Reference to Jammu and Kashmir- An Overview
Manpreet Kour, B.C. Sharma, Harsimran Singh Bindra, Awdeep Singh and Prabjeet Singh
Effect of Organic Manures and Biofertilizers on Seed Quality of Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) under Temperate conditions of Kashmir
Iqtab Mushtaq Wani, Sumati Narayan, M. Mudasir Magray, F.A. Khan, S.A. Mir, Iftisam Yaseen and Afiya Khurshid
Prevalence and Mode of Transmission of Echinococcosis in Dogs of Kashmir Valley
Hidayatullah Tak, Abas Andrabi, Rukhsana Akhter, Bilal Ahmad Para and Ishfaq Majeed
Varuna litterata (Fabricius) Lectin (VLL) Purification and Characterization
Prakash Shoba S., Basil Rose, M.R. Venci Candida X., Anitha C. and Punitha A.
Field Evaluation of Thiamethoxam against Mustard Aphids in Mustard Crop under North Bihar conditions
B. Sujatha, Sanjay Kumar Sahoo and Gouri Shankar Giri
Evaluation of various Botanicals against Predatory Spider Population in Rice, Oryza sativa L. in Kashmir
Ulfat Jan, Mohd Ayoub Mantoo, Amir Hussain Sheir, Summaira Rafiq, Ummaisa Rehman and Moneesa Bashir
Validation of Microplastics Accumulation on Edible Fruits and Vegetables
Kayalvizhi Rajendran, Ramya Rajendiran, Roshini Peter, Mukil Sukitha Pasupathi, Shahanaz Begum Nazir Ahamed, Parvatham Kalyanasundaram and Rajesh Kannan Velu
Purchase Pattern of Skin Care Products among Women
Velivelli Vijaya Lakshmi, Varnam Radhika and Geeta Munje
Combining Ability Studies in Bottle Gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.] for Yield and its Attributing Traits during February Season
Pushpam Patel, Ramesh Kumar Sharma, Ajay Bhardwaj, Randhir Kumar, Sanjay Sahay, Anand Kumar, Ritu Kumari and Amresh Bahadur Singh
Effect of Foliar Application of Organic Growth Promoters on Grading and Quality of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Ashvin S. Gajbhiye, Arun S. Kadam, Dnyaneshwari R. Veer, Pallavi N. Puram and Arjun V. Khote
A Review on Management of Seed Borne Diseases through Seed Multiplication Strategies
Sabyasachi Patra
Investigation on the Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Flower Thrips Population in Nyctanthes arbor-tristis Linn.
Manjunath Kenchannavar, M. Thippaiah, Y.B. Srinivasa and R.R. Rachana
Gross Morphological Studies on Liver of Barbari Goat
Nimgaonkar Mayur Sudhirrao, K.N. Singh, Mukesh Kumar, R.K. Joshi and Amit Singh Vishen
Studies on Microbiological Quality of Paneer Sold in various Zones of Maharashtra
Ranjan B. Yedatkar, Vasant V. Niras, Anand R. Sarode, Shital S. Deosarkar, Shrikant D. Kalyanka and Chandrapakash D. Khedkar
Plant Cell Elicitation for Secondary Metabolite Production
Jaswant Rai, Pinky Mandal, Ankita Gupta, Ankita Mishra, Mohammad Jibrail and Vijay Kumar
Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance for Growth, Yield and Quality Parameters among Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.] Genotypes
Pallavi Wani, Ambresh and Shantappa T.
Significant Impact of Ginger Extract on Oxidative stress Markers and Lipid Peroxidation in Diabetic Male Albino Rats
D. Veera Nagendra Kumar, C. Narasimha Rao, U. Srineetha, C. Nageswara Reddy, P. Sachidevi and S. Prakash Rao
Correlation Coefficient Analysis for Yield and Yield Attributing Traits in Sponge Gourd (Luffa cylindrica (L.) Roem.)
Chithra K., Shashikanth Evoor, Allolli T.B., Jagadeesh S.L. and Sarvamangala Cholin
Fatty Acid Utilization and Digestive Enzyme Activity during Early Larval Development of Anabas testudineus
Nitish Kumar Chandan, Narottam Prasad Sahu, Gopal Krishna, Rajesh Kumar, S. Nandi, Rakhi Kumari, U.K. Udit, G.M. Siddaiah, B.C. Mohapatra and K.N. Mohanta
Morbidity Patterns among Agro-industrial Workers - A Review
Aman Kumar, A.K. Shrivastava, A.K. Dave, Divakar Chaudhary and Purvi Tiwari
Development and Characterization of Coated Matrix Multiparticulate System for Milnacipran HCl Sustained Release Imbibing Design of Experiments
Shekhar V. Kokate and Punit R. Rachh
Sero-prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Foot and Mouth Disease in Western Uttar Pradesh
Afroz, Amit Kumar Verma, Amit Kumar, Surendra Upadhyay, Arbind Singh, Rajat Singh and T.K. Sarkar
Insights into Biointensive Management of Aphids: A Broad Perspective
Hamendra Singh, Shudhanshu Baliyan, Vishal Singh and Nagendra Kumar
Polyhydroxybutyrate Production by various Substrates: Optimization and Application
Anisha, Bidisha Kumari and Pratham Jindal
Allelopathic effect of Leaf Extracts of some Common Weeds on Seed Germination Characteristics and Growth of Oryza sativa L.
Harvinder Kaur Sidhu, Iftikhar Ahmed Malik, Mayank Varun and Rohan John D’souza
Effect of Irrigation Scheduling and Fertigation on Leaf Nutrient Content and Uptake of N, P and K of Pomegranate cv. Bhagwa under Semi-arid Conditions of Rajasthan
Manisha Jangir, K.K. Meena, D.K. Sarolia, Yogesh Kumar Sharma, Shweta Gupta and Nupur Sharma
Feeding of different Mulberry Varieties and its Impact on Silk Gland of Silkworm, Bombyx mori L.
Tajamul Islam, Shabir Ahmad Bhat, Firdous Ahmad Malik, Shabir Ahmad Wani, Farooq Ahmad Khan, Shakeel Ahmad Mir and Nageena Nazir
Assessment of Genotypic Variability, Heritability and Genetic advance for Growh, Yield and Quality Related Traits in Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia L.) Genotypes
Revati Bannatti, Vijayakumar Rathod, Vilas D. Gasti, Shashikanth Evoor, Rekha Bheemappa Chittapur and Shivayogi Y. Ryavalad
Studies on Effect of Plant Growth Regulators and Micronutrients on Growth, Flowering, Fruit Set and Yield of Drumstick cv Bhagya
Pallavi, Vijaykumar Rathod, Vilas D. Gasti, Mukesh L. Chavan and Syeed Almas R. Mulla
Development and Validation of an Easily Interpretable QSAR Model for Inhibitory Activity Prediction against Dihydrofolate Reductase from Candida albicans
Sharav Desai, Vijay K. Patel, Ankita S. Patel and Jaini Patel
Variation in Chemical properties of Soil after Harvest of Malt Barley Crop (Hordeum vulgare L.) under different Fertility Levels and Biofertilizers in Sub Tropical Southern Plains and Aravali Hills of Rajasthan
Sonal Athnere, P.C. Chaplot, Pinky Yadav and Sundar Anchra
Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) on Growth, Biomass and Photosynthetic Pigments of Leuceana leucocephala under Arsenic Soil Stress in Nursery
Anupama R. and Chamola B.P.
Uses of Ethno-Medicinal and nutritive Plants by Tribals of Dungarpur District, Rajasthan
Jayana Upadhyay and C.S. Kapoor
Screening of Chickpea Genotypes/varieties against Sclerotinia Rot of Chickpea caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary under Artificial conditions
M.K. Sheshma, D.R. Kumhar, S.L. Godara and Prahlad
Morphometric Study, Length-weight Relationship and Condition Factor of Horabagrus brachysoma (Günther, 1864), an Endemic Fish in the Rivers of Western Ghats of India
Kavya U.M., Nandini N.J. and Siny G. Benjamin
Review on: CRISPR-Cas 9: A Novel Genome Editing Tool for Insect Pest Management
Rehana Akbar, Sajad Mohi-ud-din, Summira Rafiq, Raheeba Tun Nisa, Mohmmad Asif Sheikh, Amreena Akhter, Iram Iqbal and Ulfat Jan
Alteration in the Serum Cholesterol Level of Dams due to Intoxication of Mercuric Chloride and its Recovery by Ashwagandha and EPL
Vishwas Tiwari
Impact of Bio-organics on Yield, Quality of Broccoli and soil Properties
Mathukiya A.R., Panchal B.H. and Kotadiya R.H.
Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Streptomyces rochei (OM746935) Isolated from Bargur Hills, and their characterization of Bioactive Secondary Metabolites
Dhanasekaran Kokila, Venkatapathi Bhuvaneswari, Manickam Ramesh, Natarajan Ranjani and Ranganathan Kannan
Anti-hyperbilirubinemic Potential of Aqueous Extract of Mimosa pudica Roots in Wistar Rats
Rupali A. Patil, Pradhnya M. Ghate, Shubhangi H. Pawar, Manisha A. Tayde and Suvarna A. Katti
Physiological Studies of the Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici causing Tomato Fusarium Wilt
Sushila Choudhary, R.K. Bagri, Dilip Kumar Chaurasiya, Vishnu Moond and Rekha Choudhary
Survival and Bio-preservation Studies of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Different Bedding Material
Bharath Kumar N., Suvarna V.C., Girish H.C. and Rashmi S.
Seed Multiplication of Traditional Varieties of Paddy (Oryza sativa L) for their Protection in Sustainable Agriculture
Sabyasachi Patra
Gender-related Alterations in Neurochemical Milieu of Suicide: An Analysis in Human Postmortem Brain
Ritabrata Banerjee, Madhusudan Das and Anup Kumar Ghosh
Effect of Drying Methods on Physical, Proximate and Mineral Content of Ghol (Portulaca oleracea)
Mundhe S.S., More D.R. and Shinde E.M.
Evaluation of EMS induced Mutant Population using character Associations
and Principle Component Analysis in Rice (Oryza sativa L)
S.R. Harish Chandar, Pusarla Susmitha, Pushpalatha Ganesh, Aaruru Mounika and Sakthi Anand M.K.
Histopathological Studies on Effects of Sublethal Concentrations of Lindane on the Hepatic Cells of Clarias batrachus based on Contaminant Concentration and Exposure Time
Sehenaj Sultana
A Survey of Physiotherapist on Assessment of Kinesiophobia among Patients with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain
Manisha Rathi and Kiran Jeswani
Efficacy of Foliar Application of Nutrients and Growth Promoter (NAA) on Yield and Economics of Black Gram (Vigna mungo L.)
Khushboo Kumari, R.P. Manjhi, Ashok Kumar Singh, Sheela Barla and P. Mahapatra
Investigation of Nozzle Characteristics for a Hollow Cone Nozzle in Spray Patternator
Mukesh Kumar Choudhary, Mohit Kumar, Gopal Carpenter, Annu Rani, Malkhan Singh Jatav and E.V. Thomas
Influence of Attractants on Bees Pollination and Enhancing the Yield of Mustard
P.K. Jatav, Ashok S. Yadav, S. Balpande and Prince Mahore
Response of Bio-fertilizers and Hydrogel on Yield and Yield Attribute of Linseed Crop (Linum usitatissimum L.) under Rainfed condition
Arushi Yadav, R.P. Singh, Sarvesh Kumar, U.D. Awasthi and Munish Kumar
Effect of Nano form ZnO priming Treatments on Growth and Yield of different Wheat Variety
Bittu Ram, Satbir Singh Jakhar, Axay Bhuker, Digamber, Hamender and Pradeep Singh
Embryo Rescue: Tool to Overcome Interspecific Barrier in Solanaceae Crops
Prashant Sharma, A.R. Kurubar, B.V. Thembhurne and Anusha
Eco-friendly preparations of Heterocycles using Green catalysts and their Bio-evaluation: A Review
Pooja, Sushil Ahlawat, Ashu and Sakshi Goyal
Detection of Pantoea spp., an Emerging Pathogen of Rice through Multiplex PCR System
Biswajit Jena, A.K. Senapati and S.K. Behera
A Study on Input Suppliers to the Mushroom Industry in Odisha
Surya Sidhant Rath, Sarba Narayan Mishra and Khitish Kumar Sarangi
Evaluation of Fungicide compatibility with a Co-culture of Trichoderma spp. under in vitro Conditions
A.G. Panda, B. Boblina, M.K. Mishra, A.K. Senapati, D. Datta and B. Jena
Cultural and Morphological Characterization of Ralstonia solanacearum causing Chilli Bacterial Wilt
Abhisek Tripathy, Akshaya Kumar Senapati and Satya Narayan Satapathy
Economic analysis of Cost, Returns and Profitability of Maize in Karnataka State
Gadigeppa Muramatti, S.N. Mishra, Abhiram Dash, B. Mohapatra and K.K. Sarangi
Application of Micronucleus Assay for Assessment of Profenofos Genotoxicity and its Mitigation through Nyctanthes arbortristis Leaf Extract in Mice (Mus musculus)
Rina Kumari and Dharmshila Kumari
Influence of various Nutrients and Biostimulant on Vegetative and Floral Attributes of African Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) cv. Inca Yellow
Pragnya Paramita Mishra, Sashikala Beura, Rajalaxmi Beura, Manas Ranjan Nath and Sadhana Swastika
Yield Attributes of Linseed as influenced by different Establishment Methods and Nitrogen Management in Rice- Linseed Cropping System
Pragyan Das and Bijay Kumar Mohapatra
Optimizing Crop Productivity and Profitability through Integrated Nutrient Management in low land Rice
Manju Bhargavi B., Swapna N., Balaji Naik. B., Ravinder J. and Soundarya B.
Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Physico-Chemical Properties of Sapota (Manilkara zapota L.) cv. Kalipatti
Jannila Praveena, S.N. Dash, Kabita Sethi, R.K. Panda and S.C. Swain
Economics and Energetic Efficiency of Puddled Transplanted Rice (Oryza sativa L.) as Influenced by Residue and Nitrogen Management Options
Priyanka Nayak, Bama Shankar Rath, Rabindra Kumar Paikaray, Bijay Kumar Mohapatra, Sanat Kumar Dwibedi, Sabyasachi Sahoo and Shivasankar Acharya
Compatibility of Trichoderma hamatum with Chemical Fungicides and its effect on Yield of Green Gram
Adyasha Das and Shyama Sundar Mahapatra
Correlation Analysis of some Morpho-Physiological Parameters, Yield and Quality attributes of Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)
A. Ghosh, D. Panda and S. Mondal
Statical Analysis of Rainfall Data: A Case Study of Hamirpur District, Himachal Pradesh
Prithi Pal Singh and M.R. Sharma
Impact of NPK on Quality and Yield of Floral Buds of Jasmine (Jasminum sambac L. Aiton) during Summer Season
Subrat Kumar Senapati, Sashikala Beura, Ashish Kumar Gouda, Kaberi Maharana, Geeta Pandey, Siddharth Kumar Palai and Sunil Kumar Dash
Indian Bay Leaf (Cinnamomum tamala) – How to Protect the Tree Spice from the Ravages of Insect Pests and Diseases
Sabyasachi Ray, Debjeet Sharma and A. Banerjee
Evaluation of Rice Blast Incidence and Identification of Resistant sources in Aromatic Rice Landraces
U. Keerthana, A.K. Senapati, Manas K. Bag, S.R. Prabhukarthikeyan, Niranjan Das and Mihira K. Mishra
Exploring Genetic Variability Among Aromatic Rice (Oryza sativa L) Landraces in Odisha
U. Keerthana, A.K. Senapati, Manas K. Bag, S.R. Prabhukarthikeyan,
R. Naveen Kumar and Mihira K. Mishra
Biochemical Characterization of Streptomyces spp. Isolated from Rhizosphere Soils of Rice in Odisha
Sucharita Mohapatra, Gayatri Biswal, S.R. Prabhukarthikeyan and Mihira Kumara Mishra
Impact of Plant Bioregulators on In Vitro Callogenesis of Gerbera Hybrid cv. Alcatraz
Subhadarsini Pradhan and Sashikala Beura
Effect of Seasons on Morphological Traits of Odisha Lotus-9 (OL -9), A Local Germplasm of Sacred Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.)
Avinash Patnaik and Sashikala Beura
Fast dissolving Tablet Formulation and Evaluation: Effort to Enhance Solubility of Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist (ARB) Telmisartan Antihypertensive Drug
Jadhav A.B., Nawale R.B. and Khan M.A.