Biological Forum - An International Journal - Volume 15(9): 2023
Occurrence of Malassezia dermatitis in Dogs at Jabalpur (M.P.)
Saindla Rakesh, Kabita Roy, Ashish Kumar Soni, Devendra Gupta, Amita Tiwari, Brejesh Singh, Shashi Pradhan, Salil Kumar Pathak, Bhoopendra Singh Mahor and Ithrineni Karthik
Influence of different Treatment and Patch Geometry on Recovery of Bark in North Eastern Terminalia arjuna Linn. f
Chethan B.L., Dattappa, Maheshnaik B.L. and Prajwal M.B.
Consumption of Dairy-based functional Foods influenced by Socio Economic Conditions: Study in Ranchi City
Annie Kerketta, Biswajit Sen, Udita Chaudhary and Ajay Verma
A New Carrier based Bioformulation: Cordyceps militaris L. (Link)
Saranya S., Priya John and S.H. Paladiya
Synergistic Effect of Phosphatic Fertilizer and Biofertilizers on Soil Enzyme Activity and Yield of Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana L.)
P. Kejiya, B. Vajantha, M.V.S. Naidu and A.V. Nagavani
Studies on per se Performance of Sponge Gourd Genotypes (Luffa cylindrica L.) for Growth and Yield Attributes
Sivabharathy B., V. Kanthaswamy, V. Sundaram, V. Krishnan and M. Manikandan
Evaluation of Sucrose and Sodium Hypochlorite as Pulsing Solution in Improving the Post-harvest Quality in Chrysanthemum cv. White Star
Satvaan Singh, Sunil Malik, Mukesh Kumar, Satendra Kumar, Shishu Pal Singh and Bhim Singh
Application of Response Surface Methodology for Nutritional Properties of Cookies Fortified with Niger
Archana Maravi, Deepali Bajpai, Shashi Bala Ahirwar, Priyanka Patel, Anubha Upadhyay and Alpana Singh
Survey on Pesticide use and usage Pattern in Papaya Crop cultivated in
Tamil Nadu
Jayashree E., Suganthi A., Bhuvaneswari K., Renukadevi P. and Kavitha C.
Characterization of Pod Rot Fungus of Blackgram and its Management using Fungicides and Bioagents for Enhancing Seed Germination and Vigour
P. Kishore Varma, B. Shiva, N. Kamakshi, M.V. Ramana, V. Vasanthi, A. Janaki Prasad, Bavana Keerthi, Pushpa Rajyam and Sharon Roj
Knowledge and Benefits of Farm Pond Scheme among Farm Women of
Bhilwara District
Riya Arya, Rajshree Uppadhyay, Prakash Panwar, Swati Inani and Vasundhara Saxena
Study the Weather Parameters Affecting Amplitude Fluctuation in the Population Dynamics of Ocimum Leaf Folder, Orphanostigma abruptelis on Sweet Basil in Bihar
Amit Kumar, Manoj Kumar and Heenashree Mansion
Survey of Alternaria alternate causing Leaf Spot of Bael and its Isolation, Purification and Identification of Fungi Associated with Disease
Abhishek Singh, H.K. Singh, Shubham Patel and Jitendar Kumar
Postharvest Management and Value Addition of Grapes Vitis vinifera var. Muscat Hamburg
Fathima A., Janavi G.J., Saraswathy S., Vani V. and Anitha T.
Nutrient Management in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) through Evaluation of the Fertility Status of Soils in Satpura Zone of Madhya Pradesh
Bharti Choudhary, Rahul Dongre, Sant Kumar Sharma and Sandhya Bakode
Impact of Salinity and Copper Stress on the Growth and Physiology of Cyanobacteria: A Comparative Study
Shivaranjan C.S. and G. Abraham
Protective Effect of Curcumin and Ascorbic acid Against Lead acetate Induced Cardiotoxicopathology in Wistar Rats
Karthik I., Dubey A., Swamy M., Tiwari A., Verma Y., Naveen D. and Rakesh S.
Efficacy of Nutrient Supplementation in Managing Groundnut Late Leaf Spot Disease Incidence through Root Feeding
Vineela D.R.S., Patibanda A.K., Prasanna Kumari V., Sreekanth B. and Nafeez Umar S.K.
Changes in Soil Physical Properties and Available Micronutrients as Influenced by Tillage and Weed Management Strategies under Diversified Cropping System
Knight Nthebere, T. Ram Prakash, G. Jayasree, B. Padmaja, A. Meena and P.C. Latha
Hindrance Factors for the Success and Sustainability of FPO’s in Tamilnadu – Opinion of CEO’s and BOD’s of Farmer Producer Organization
Navisha B. and Shanthasheela M.
Effect of Gibberellic Acid and Hand Pollination on Quality Parameters of Custard apple (Annona squamosa L.) cv. Arka Sahan
Anil Khinchi, R.A. Kaushik, Virendra Singh, Vinod Saharan, Abhay Dashora and Shaifali Tanwar
Biology and Predatory potential of Neoseiulus longispinosus Evans on Tetranychus urticae Koch
Ranjitha V., Sumathi E., Baskaran V., Senthil A. and Sankari A.
Silkworm Rearing and Cocoon Parameters: Implications for Quality Silk Production in Southern Karnataka
Akarsha M.R., Harshitha C., Aarushi Sharma and Devika Sharma
Effect of Indole-3-Butyric Acid (IBA) and Different Growing Media on Hardwood Cutting of Grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) cv. Pusa Navrang
Praveen Kumar Ausari, Nitin Soni, R.N. Kanpure, K.C. Meena and Ajay Haldar
Examining the Interactions between Rhizome Size and Treatments on Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) Cultivar GNT 2
A.V. Barad, Y.A. Viradiya, P.G. Mandod, P.D. Bhankhar and R.B. Mori
Biochar as Silicon Inducer and its Effects on Bhendi Mite, Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisduval)
A. Nithish Kumar, P. Chandramani, R. Nalini, M. Ananthan and P. Kannan
Influence of Enriched Organic Manures and Bio-enhancer on Growth and Yield of Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis)
Pavan K. Patel, Piyush Verma and Pravina P. Solanki
Biochemical Variations in Mulberry Leaves: An Analysis Across Growth Stages and Farming Practices
Akarsha M.R., Harshitha C., Aarushi Sharma and Devika Sharma
Field Efficacy of Insecticides against Thrips on Pomegranate
Praveen Kumar, S.K. Mushrif, B. Doddabasappa and B. Venkateshalu
Seasonal Parasitization of Larval Parasitoid Cotesia flavipes against Sugarcane Stalk Borer
Abinaya S., Anil Kumar, Nagendra Kumar, Ponnusamy N. and Srikanth N.
Screening of Brassica Germplasm against Painted Bug, Bagrada cruciferarum
Naval Datt and D.R. Singh
Genetic Variability Studies in Foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.)
Dharnishkumar M., Suthamathi P., Gnanamalar R.P., Renuka R., Sathiya K.,Vaithiyalingan M. and Hemalatha G.
Management of Powdery Mildew of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) incited by Erysiphe polygoni DC with Fungicides
Darshan N. Patel, Kedar Nath and Madhu Bala
Efficacy of Foliar Application of Plant Growth Regulators on Flowering, Quality and Yield Aspects of Spider Lily (Hymenocallis littorallis L.)
Dhruvi Prajapati, N.S. Joshi, K.S. Solanki and Pooja V. Maheta
Multivariate Hierarchical evaluation of Gerbera (Gerbera jamensoii) varieties
by Biplots analysis for flowering traits
Shivani Goel, Sonia Singh, Ajay Verma, Arvind Malik, Devender Singh Dahiya and Sarita Devi
Genetic divergence Analysis in Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
C. Suvarna, R.P. Vasanthi, K. Viswanath, C. Kiran Kumar Reddy and Y. Amaravathi
Clinical Abnormalities Pertaining to Malassezia dermatitis in Dogs
Saindla Rakesh, Kabita Roy, Ashish Kumar Soni, Devendra Gupta, Anju Nayak, Pratibha Pathak, Ithrineni Karthik, Aditya Pratap and Kotari Beulah Ramyavani
Probing Cancer Protein Inhibition: Unveiling Insights via Molecular Docking and Dynamics Simulation
Pavitra Kathirvel, Bharathi N., Saranya N., Vellaikumar S., Anandhi Venugopal and Sowdhamini
Evaluation of Pot Phalaenopsis Orchids for Vegetative and Flowering characteristics under Shadenet House and Poly House Condition
S. Ramya, V.A. Sathiyamurthy, M. Ganga, A. Senthil and R.K. Kaleeswari
Anterior Pituitary Gland Prolactin Expression Profile of IWI Layer and Kadaknath Chicken during 20 and 40 Weeks of Age
B. Rajith Reddy, B. Ekambaram and T.K. Bhattacharya
Identifying Key Yield and Quality Determinants in Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn) through Correlation and Path Analysis
T. Nagendra Babu, L. Madhavilatha, M. Reddi Sekhar and B. Vajantha
Impact of Sulphur Fertilization on Growth, Yield, Sulphur and Oil Content, Sulphur Uptake and Economics of Sesamum (Sesamum indicum L.) Cultivars during Pre-kharif in South Odisha
Parimi Venkata Sai Krishna, Triptesh Mondal, Masina Sairam, Swarnali Duary, Tanmoy Shankar and Rahul Adhikary
Molecular Characterization and Nematicidal Activity of Indigenous Bacillus thuringiensis isolate T210
Berryish Metha C., Rajadurai G., Raghu R., Jayakanthan M., Kokiladevi E., Murugan M., and Balasubramani V.
Propagule Size and Zinc Application influenced flowering in gladiolus cv. Malaviya Kundan
Sakshi Santosh Vyas, Anil K. Singh, Anjana Sisodia and Kalyan Barman
Influence of Pre-harvest Application of Gibberellic Acid and Borax on Fruit Retention, Yield and Quality of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Dashehari
Shashi Shekhar Singh, V.K. Tripathi and Manuj Awasthi
Effect of Novel Organic Liquid Fertilizer and Plant Growth Regulators on Quality of Guava cv. Lucknow 49
D.M. Dabhi, M.J. Patel and H.L. Chaudhary
Impact of Biostimulant on Growth, Yield and Quality of Potato
(Solanum tuberosum L.)
S. Karak, U. Thapa and N.N. Hansda
Mean Performance of Parents and Hybrids for Fruit Yield and quality characters in Snake gourd [Trichosanthes anguina (L.)]
Jyothirmayi D., Kranthi Rekha G., Padma E., Paratpara Rao M., Uma Krishna K. and Sekhar V.
Sero-prevalence of Canine Brucellosis in Urban and Peri-urban Areas of Guwahati
Malela Sai Krishnagoud, Archana Talukdar, Harazika R.A. and Durlav Prasad Bora
Evaluation of efficacy of Newer Molecules against spiraling Whitefly Aleurodicus dispersus (Russel) in Guava, Psidium guajava L.
Suvarna Patil, Arunkumar B., Raghunatha R., Maheshwarappa H.P., Aswathanarayana Reddy, R.B. Hirekurubar and Mastiholli A.B.
Effect of Organic Sources of Nutrients on Soil characteristics, Nutritional Quality and Economics of Grain Amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus L.)
Gangadhar Eswar Rao, V. Venkatachalapathi, M.M. Venkatesha, R.N. Lakshmipathi and Kushal
Integrated Surgical Approach for Pyometra and Unilateral Uterine Torsion with Fetal Mummification in a Dalmatian Bitch
R. Sureshkumar, Akhter Rasool, M. Bharathidasan, T. Sarath, M.G. Mohamed Ali and Umamageswari
Status of DTPA- Extractable Micronutrient Cations in surface and Sub-surface Soils of different Land use System in Gwalior Chambal Division of Madhya Pradesh
Rajput B.K., Trivedi S. K., Sharma S.K. and Yadav S.S.
Evaluation of Rice Accessions for Anaerobic Germination, Yield and Attributing Parameters in Direct Seeded Rice condition
Godwin Gilbert J., Agalya Jasmin S., Ramchander S., Indira Petchiammal K., Samundeswari R. and Dinesh Kumar P.
Effect of Genotypes under Varying Fertility Levels and Bio-fertilizer Inoculation on productivity and profitability of Mustard {Brassica juncea (L.) Czern & Coss.}
Preeti Devatwal, Jagdish Choudhary, Kajal Arora, Devi Lal Kikraliya and Anuj Kumar
Genetic Diversity of South Indian Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes based on Yield and its Components
Gokul M., N.B. John Kingsly, G. Ashwin Bernald, J. Lydia Pramitha and S. Praveena Katharine
Estimation of Genetic Diversity in Ridge Gourd Hybrid (Luffa acutangula L.)
Suvedha M., Marichamy M.S., Kanthaswamy V., Vengadessan V. and Manikandan M.
Estimation of Heterosis for Yield and Yield contributing Traits among intraspecific Hybrids of Cucumis melo
Mamatha R.M., T.B. Allolli, Rekha B. Chittapur, Raghavendra Gunnaiah, Vasant M. Ganiger, M.S. Lokesh and Jnaneshwar B. Gopali
Assessment of Nutrient Status of Weed due to Mulch and Weed management Practices
Pradeep Kumar, V.P. Usadadiya, Gharsiram, Sunil Kumar and Mangilal
Genetic variability of Custard Apple (Annona squamosa L.) Genotypes under Southern Rajasthan
Saddam Husain, L.N. Mahawer, Manisha Verma, Iqbal Ahmed, H.L. Bairwa and Arjun Lal Regar
Influence of Intercropping Minor Millets on Growth and Yield of Summer
Irrigated Cotton
Prasannasreenithi, S.R. Veeraputhiran, A. Gurusamy, G. Anand and P. Kannan
Genetic Dissection of Yield and Yield Contributing Traits Employing Descriptive Statistics and Character Association Analysis in Doubled Haploid Population of Maize (Zea mays L.)
Noor E. Mujjassim, H.C. Lohithaswa, Kalmeshwer Gouda Patil, A. Mohan Rao, Sunil Kumar Biradar, Nataraj N. Karaba and N. Mallikarjuna
Sensory Evaluation of Germinated Groundnuts to Little Millets Powder Laddu
K. Navya, Jessie Suneetha W., B. Anila Kumari and P. Reddypriya
Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance Analysis for Yield and its Attributing Traits in Ridge Gourd Hybrids (Luffa acutangula L.)
Suvedha M., Marichamy M.S., Kanthaswamy V., Vengadessan V. and Venkadeswaran E.
Comparative Performance Evaluation of Power Operated Weeders for Sugarcane Crop in North Coastal Region of Andhra Pradesh
P. Sreedevi, M. Madhava, M.B. G.S. Kumari, Ch. S. Rama Lakshmi and P.V.K. Jagannadha Rao
Characterization of Soils under Zabo Farming System of Nagaland
Shilpa Mohanty, Sanjay-Swami, N. Janaki Singh, A.K. Singh and Lala I.P. Ray
Population Dynamics of Tomato Fruit borer (Helicoverpa armigera Hubner) Infesting Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) Crops and their Correlation with Diverse Meteorological Factors under Field Condition
Abhishek Yadav, D.R. Singh, S.K. Biswas, Ram Singh Umrao, Mahak Singh, Arushi Yadav and Arun Kumar
Influence of Nano Urea on Growth, Yield and Nutrient use efficiency of Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajana L.) of Karnataka, India
Amruta Chandrashekhar Mirji, C. Seenappa, T.G. Amrutha, H. Matheekur Rehaman, V. Venkata Chalapathy and H.D. Shilpa
Managing Mungbean Seed Health: Impact of Chemical and Natural Seed Treatments on Occurrence of Diseases and insects under Ambient Storage conditions
Shreya Singh, A.L. Jatav, Gaurav Yadav and Harshit Gupta
Evaluating Drought Tolerance in Rice through In-Vitro PEG Screening and Analysing the Effectiveness of drought Tolerant Traits through Correlation
Ashwin Bernald G., N.B. John Kingsly, Gokul M., Ramchander S., Joseph P.A. and Dinesh Kumar P.
Estimation of Heterosis in Hybrid Seedlings of Drumstick (Moringa oleifera)
Manju A., Sindhumole P., Jiji Joseph, Pradheep K., Sangeeta Kutty M. and Seeja Thomachan Panjikkaran
Exploring the Impact of Plant Growth Regulators on Growth and Physiological Responses in Hybrid Rice Cultivation
Shikha Shahi, P. K. Singh, S.P. Kushwaha, Mayanker Singh and Bipin Kumar Chaudhary
Economic Evaluation of Summer Legumes Incorporation on Succeeding Kharif Rice
T. Sunil Kumar, H.M. Virdia, K.G. Patel, G.V. Sumanth Kumar and Madhavan G.
Soil Micro-flora as influenced by Nutrient Management Practices and
Cropping System
Priya Kochale, P.B. Sharma, R.P. Sahu, Shani Gulaiya, Kamal Kishor Patel and Abhishek Sharma
Genetic Improvement in Banana: A Breeding Approach
Divya Hari, Simi S. and Manju P.R.
Standardization and Sensory Evaluation of Pickle made from Manali Tamarind
S. Rachana Sree, T. Supraja, K. Aparna, M. Prasuna and D. Srinivasa Chary
Effect of Seed Priming Techniques on Seed Yield and its Attributes characters in Field Pea (Pisum sativum L.) under rainfed Condition
Maneesh Kumar, Alok Kumar, Dheeraj Katiyar, Abhishek Pati Tiwari and Shivani Kaundal
Sugarcane Clones under Early Planting (January) suitable for Moisture Stress Conditions of Andhra Pradesh
Mukunda Rao Ch, P.S. Rao, M. Charumathi, D. Adilakshmi, T. Chitkala Devi, M. Bharathalakshmi and P.V.K. Jagannadha Rao
Effect of Polyamines, Packaging Materials and Storage conditions on Shelf Life of Banana (Musa paradisiaca L.) cv. Grand Naine
Bhadke T.G., Joshi V.R., Garande V.K. and Dhakare B.B.
Unveiling the Multifaceted Abilities of Halotolerant Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria Isolated from the Kutch Desert Ecosystem
Anurag Yadav, Rahulkumar Chauhan, Kavin Soni and Kusum Yadav
Impact of Spacing and Fertilizer Levels on Nutrient uptake and Soil Nutrient Status of Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) in eastern dry Zone of Karnataka
Nunavath Umilsingh, V. Venkatachalapathi, H.S. Latha, D.V. Naveen and Yerradoddi Sindhu Sree
Studies on Heterosis and Evaluation of Powdery Mildew Resistant hybrids in Chili
Umesh Babu B.S., B.V. Tembhurne, P.H. Kuchanur, Hasan Khan, D.S. Aswathanarayana and B. Kisan
Effect of integrated Nutrient Management on Leaf and Soil Nutrient Status of Papaya (Carica papaya L.) cv. Pusa Delicious under Varanasi Region of Uttar Pradesh
Pawan Kumar Anand, Binod Kumar Singh and Neeharika Kanth
Growth and Yield of Blackgram (Vigna mungo L.) as influenced by Sowing Windows and varieties in North Coastal Zone of Andhra Pradesh
B. Tejaswini, D. Sekhar, P. Amarajyothi and P. Madhu Vani
Exploring E-Learning Resource Utilization among Students in Banaras Hindu University: A Usage Pattern Analysis
Sukhchain Singh, Prashish Singh, Priyanka Roy, Gyan Shukla and Akanchha Kumari
Influence of Silver Nanoparticle (AgNP), Sodium Nitroprusside (SNP) and 8-Hydroxy quinoline citrate (8-HQC) on vase Life of Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) cv. ‘White Star’
Satvaan Singh, Sunil Malik, Mukesh Kumar, Satendra Kumar, Gaurav Kumar Ahirwar, Amit Kumar and Vishal Srivastava
Virulence Diversity and Cas gene Cluster Analysis in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae Population of India
Namburi Karunakar Reddy, M.K. Prasanna Kumar and Swathi S. Patil
Genetic variability Studies in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties for Three Seasons under Saline conditions of Annamalai Nagar, an East Coast Region of Tamil Nadu
S.R. Sruthi, Laleeth Kumar N., Y. Anbuselvam, J.L. Joshi and Johnny Subakar Ivin
Effect of Foliar Application of Micro Nutrients on Yield and Yield Attributes of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) under drought Stress
A. Ramya, M. Ravi Babu, A.B.M Sirisha and S. Ratna Kumari
Interaction of varieties, Planting Dates, Growth Regulators on the Yield and Quality of Dolichos Bean (Lablab purpureus L.) under Shade Net instances
E. Padma, K. Uma Jyothi, G. Ramanandam, P. Subbaramamma and K. Umakrishna
Quantification and Role of Insect Pollinators in Enhancing Productivity in Cucumber
Parveena Bano, Rizwana Khursheed, Humira Mushtaq, Sajad A. Ganie, M.A. Paray, S.S. Pathania, Asma Sherwani and Uzma Arifie
Effect of different Nanofungicides on Radial Mycelial Growth of Bipolaris sorokiniana causing Spot Blotch of Wheat
Bipin Verma, Samir Kumar Biswas, Naimish Kumar and Gajendra Pratap
Effect of Seed Priming and Weed Management Techniques on System Productivity and Economics of Dry Direct Seeded Rice-Blackgram Sequence
M. Veerendra, K. Srinivasulu, B. Sreedevi, S. Ratna Kumari and V. Srinivasa Rao
Biochemical Composition of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)
and its Nutritional Value
Ananya Tiwari, Pratibha Singh, Bishnupriya Borkakoty, Devesh Sanjay Pardhi and Vinay Kumar
Studies on Sensory Parameters and Microbial Load of Aonla Blended Squash during Storage
Sakshi Sharma, Hemant Kumar Panigrahi, Dharmendra Khokhar and Ganeshi Lal Sharma
Identification and Causes of Resorting of Rubber Cultivation
Nantu Nama, Subhrajyoti Panda, Litan Das, Sabita Mondal and Prabhat Kumar Pal
Genetic variability Studies for Yield Contributing, Kernel Size and Quality Traits in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
G. Sreevidya, P. Shanthi, A. Srividhya, S. Vasundhara, M. Vishnuvardhan Kumar, K. Girish Kumar, V. Uday and P. Jashuva
ANDCP 1601: A Pistillate Line of Castor (Ricinnus communis L.) with Unique Morphological Characters and Resistant to Wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ricini)
Patel K.V., Katba P.J., Patel M.P., Bhanvadia A.S. and Chavadhari R.L.
Influence of Inoculum Density of Alternaria brassicae on Development of Alternaria leaf Spot in Cauliflower
Mummineni Sunitha and P.K. Jha
Influence of Inoculum Density of Alternaria brassicae on Development of Alternaria leaf Spot in Cauliflower
Mummineni Sunitha and P.K. Jha
Mean Performance of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Genotypes under Chhattisgarh Plains for Fruit Yield, Quality and its components
Mahesh Pamukuntla, Dhananjay Sharma, Thriveni Vangapandu, Yamini Siwna, Archna Banjare and Gulab Das Barman
Impact of Legume Residues and Nitrogen Levels on Soil Nutrient Dynamics in Zero-Till Maize Cropping System
A. Sai Kishore, D. Sreelatha, M. Malla Reddy, M.V. Nagesh Kumar and T. Sukruth Kumar
Integrated Management of Pulse Beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis L. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) on Stored Pigeonpea Seeds
Manja Naik C., Doddabasappa, B., Mutthuraju G.P. and Udagi B.S.
Analysis of Gene Effects in Vegetable-Type Pigeon Pea under Foothill of Nagaland
N. Moses, Malini Barthakur Sharma, J.P. Gupta, Kigwe Seyie and Pankaj Shah
Assessment of Effect of various Micronutrients and their Optimum Dose for Growth and Yield Parameters of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var italica L.) under Polyhouse Condition
Alka Minz, Susmitha Kottapu, Nisha Jangre, Deepshikha and Karuna Sahu
Identification of in vitro Regeneration Potential of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Landraces
Selvamuthu K., Chitra S. and Vanniarajan C.
Identification of in vitro Regeneration Potential of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Landraces
Selvamuthu K., Chitra S. and Vanniarajan C.
Bio Efficacy of Fungicides against Alternaria porri causing the Purple Blotch Disease of Onion
Chandan M.J., Mushrif S. K., Devappa, V., Manjunatha Reddy T.B., Meenakshi Sood and Premalatha B.R.
Performance Evaluation of Red Fleshed Guava (Psidium guajava L.) Accessions for Physico–chemical characteristics under North-eastern Transitional Zone of Karnataka
Ravi G.K., Praveen Jholgiker, Srinivas N., Patil S.N., Praveen Kumar B.N., Thippanna, K.S. and Pattepur S.
Effect of Organic Manures and Biofertilizers on Growth Yield and Quality of Broccoli
Durgesh Kumar, R. B. Singh, Virendra Kumar, Arun Kumar Verma and Vinay Kumar Maurya
Character Association studies on Foliar Disease Resistance with Yield and Yield Attributing Traits in Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Girish Kumar Killada, Srividhya Akkareddy, Sreevalli Devi Muga, Arunasri Pinagari, Sree Vidya Gundrathi and Jashuva Paul Pesaleddula
Comparative Impact Assessment of Diverse Farmers Producers Organizations (FPOs) in Bihar: An Inter-FPO Variation Analysis using Post Hoc Tukey's HSD Test
Mohit Kumar Gupta, Sudhanand Prasad Lal, Satya Prakash and Gyan Shukla
Correlation and Path Analysis for Grain Yield and its component Traits in Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana L.)
Ujjaval Patel, Harshal E. Patil and Purnima Ray
Correlational Study on the Relationship between Plant Growth, Seed Yield and Quality Related Traits in Palak under Bundelkhand Region
Imamuddin Shah, A.C. Mishra, R.K. Singh, Neelima Rawat, Hitaishi Kuriyal, Vinay Kumar, Raju Ratan Yadav and Kuldeep
Growth and Instability in Garlic Area, Production and Yield in Southern Rajasthan
Sarla Meena, Latika Sharma, S.S. Burark, G.L. Meena, H.K. Jain, L.N. Dashora and H. Singh
Demographic Profile and Health Consciousness of Rural Women of Reproductive Age Group in Khammam District of Telangana State
K. Spandana Deepika, R. Geetha Reddy, M. Prasuna, B. Anila Kumari, D. Srinivasa Chary and W. Jessie Suneetha
Survey and Seasonal incidence of Pink Bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella (Sounders) in Bt Cotton Growing areas of North Gujarat
Dinesh K. Chaudhari, Bindu K. Panickar and M.K. Chandaragi
Nutritional Quality of Green Leafy Vegetable Enriched “Appalu” –A Popular Telangana Traditional Snack
Arrabothu Dharani, Janaki Srinath Puskuri, T. Kamalaja and K. Supriya
Biochemical Responses of Mulberry Varieties V1 and G4 to Different Spacing Conditions
Vijay S., Susikaran S., Shandeep S.G., Haran M.S.R., Deeikshana T. and Abinaya C.
Evaluation of Heterotic Potential of Bread Wheat Hybrids under Very Late Sown Conditions
Anita Burdak and Ved Prakash
In silico Study of Interaction Between Phytate and Seed Storage Proteins (SSPs) of Indian Mustard
Pant P., Garg S., Nain P. and Punetha H.
Effect of Residual Nutrients of Potato Crop on Growth, Yield Attributing Characters and Yields of Spring Maize (Zea mays L.)
Shekhar Singh, U. P. Shahi, Sandeep Kumar Verma, Sudhir Kumar Singh, Vivek Kumar, Vaishali Singh and Bhhavya Thakur
Genetic variability and Trait associated in Maize in Eastern U.P. conditions of Northern India
Bhattu Shakya Raj, Shailesh Marker, G. Roopa Lavanya, G. Sharath Chandra and Aditya Mohan Maharishi
Standardization of Seed Production in fodder Berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) through Sowing Dates and Foliar Nutrition
P. Swathi, B. Jyothi Basu, N. Sambasiva Rao and V. Saida Naik
Effect of Nutrient Sources on Nutrient uptake by Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] and Soil properties in Soils of North Gujarat
K.K. Patel, N.I. Patel, M.K. Gamit, B.J. Chaudhary and N.M. Chaudhari
Life from Outer Space: Overview on the Presence of DNA, RNA Associated Bio-Molecules – Amino Acids, Nucleobases, Sugars and Water Molecules in Meteorites and Carbonaceous Chondrites
Shivakumar R., Balaji B., Dharani E. and Pratik Prasad Singh
Exploring Effective Weed Management through UAV Application
Monika Raghuwanshi, Namrata Jain, K.K. Agrawal and Mrinali Gajbhiye
Effect of Organic and Inorganic Source of Nutrients on soil properties and quality of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum – graecum L.)
Prakash Chand Gurjar, R.H. Meena, Gajanand Jat, S.C. Meena and Dharm Pal Singh
Influence of Environmental Factors on Population Fluctuation of Fruit Borer Infesting Chilli (Capsicum annum L.)
L.S. Saini, H.P. Meghwal, B.K. Patidar, D. Parmar and M.S. Meena
Studies on the Process Optimization and Quality Characteristics of Turmeric Fortified Milkshakes with Honey as Sugar Replacer
Vatsal Verma, S.S. Sengar, P.S. Pramanik, Rajpal Diwakar and Rishikant
Genetic variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance for Seed Yield and its components in Indian Mustard [Brassca juncea (L.) Czern & Coss.]
Swapnil Dwivedi, Mahak Singh, R.K. Yadav, Pawan Kumar Saini and Harshit Tripathi
Performance of Soybean Varieties in Relation to Different Sowing Dates in Kymore Plateau and Satpura Hills Zone of Madhya Pradesh
Nirmal Choudhary, Anay K. Rawat, Abhijeet Dubey and Pramod Kumar
Exploiting Indigenous Collections for efficient Utilization of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Genotypes for Crop Improvement based on Agro-Morphological Traits
Dilip Panwar, Anshuman Singh and Pramod Kumar Sharma
Probiotic characterization of Curd Developed from Soy Milk
Suryendra Kumar Mishra, Sangeeta Shukla and Anita Raisagar
Biochemical Basis of Bactrocera spp. (Diptera: Tephritidae) Resistance in some Genotypes and Improved Varieties of Cucumis sativus L.
Sheikh Khursheed, Desh Raj, Z. A Bhat, Hamidullah Itoo and G.H. Rather
Suvarna Shubhra (AKH-09-5): A Promising American Cotton Variety for Sustainable Cotton Production under Rainfed Situation for Central Zone of India
Deshmukh S.B., Rathod T.H., Nemade P.W., Deshmukh D.T. and Kharche V.K.
Effect of Different Culture Media on Growth of Alternaria Isolates
Manisha Solanki, J.J. Kadam and Jeetu Narware
Assessing the Seasonal Incidence of Anthracnose and its Relationship with Weather Parameters in Chilli Cultivation
Vivek Singh, U.K. Tripathi, Mukesh Kumar, Abhishek Singh, Ashwani Kumar Patel, Himendra Raj Raghuwanshi and Utkarsh Upadhyay
Dynamics of Farming Systems: A Study on income Maximization in Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh
H. Srinivasa Rao, D.V. Subba Rao and Y. Radha
Field efficacy of Fungicides, Biocontrol Agents, Botanicals and Plant Defence Activators against Maydis Leaf Blight of Maize caused by Bipolaris maydis
Siddu Lakshmi Prasanna, Priya John, Apurvkumar M. Patel, Rathna V. and Sangeeta Sabanna Bhajantri
Nutrient composition, Mineral Profile, Digestibility, Production Performances and Economics of hydroponic Fodder Maize and Horse gram in Goats
P. Tensingh Gnanaraj, S.Gunasekaran, C. Valli, R.Karunakaran and H.Gopi
Evaluation of Technology Dissemination through front line Demonstration on the Yield of Brinjal (Solenum melongena L.) at Korba District (Chhattishgarh)
Archna Banjare, Shani Raj and S.K. Upadhayay
Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles from Leaves of Cannabis sativa L. and its effect on Seed Germination, Seedling Mortality and wilt incidence of Tomato caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (Sacc.) Snyder & Hansen
Saurabh Kumar, S.K. Biswas, Kishan Lal, Shivam Kumar, Anju Shukla, Anoop Kumar, Siddharth Singh, Shivam, Ankit Kumar and Rahul Kumar
Exploring Sustainable Approaches to Tea Pest Management:
A Comprehensive Review
Bidisha H., Gautam K.S. and Kollol P.B.
Biology of aphid, Hyadaphis coriandri (Das) on coriander, (Coriandrum sativum L.) under Laboratory conditions
Vijay Kumar, H.L. Deshwal, S.K. Yadav, Mahendra and Manoj Kumar Gurjar
Standardization of ex vitro Hardening in Traditional Banana Cultivar Karpura Chakkerakeli (AAB) of Andhra Pradesh
Mahesh S.S.N.M., Ramanandam G., Vinaya Kumar Reddy P., Ravindra Kumar K., Umakrishna K. and Salomi Suneetha D.R.
Effect of Nitrogen and Sulphur Levels on Quality Parameter of Mustard [Brassica juncea (L.)]
Ashish Kumar Sharma, P.K. Sharma, Divyangi Samuchia, Anchal Karol, Lokesh Kumar Bairwa, Karan Singh Meena and Anju Kanwar Khangarot
Identification of Novel Genotypes Suitable for Processing in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) using Genetic variability Studies and Principal component Analysis
Ramavath Ramesh Babu, Prasanna H.C., J.S. Aravinda Kumar, Jyothi Kattegoudar, Ranjitha K., S. Sriram, R.H. Laxman, K.V. Ravi Shankar and C.N. Hanchinamani
Bio-Efficacy of different Botanical extracts against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lentis, causing lentil wilt under in-vitro condition
Karan Singh, Meenu Kumari Meena, C.B. Meena, Chirag Gautam and Hemant Gurjar
Novel Green Approach for the Synthesis of Nano biochar using Plant Resources and Botanical Extracts
Rihana Rahman, Javid Ahmad Sofi, Nayar Afaq Kirmani, Ghulam Irshad Hassan Dar, Nageena Nazir, Sheikh Amjid, Tariq Ahmad Sofi, Neelofar Banday, Shaista Nazir, Shahnawaz Rasool Dar, Raqib Majeed Wani and Muneer Ahmad Bhat
Comparative Analysis of Physicochemical Parameters in Enriched and Unenriched Farmyard Manure
Shantha Murthy B., Sathish A., Saralakumari J., Umashankar N. and Seenappa C.
Bio-efficacy of Newer Acaricides and Botanical against Red Spider Mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch. in Brinjal
Rahul Patidar, G.S. Chundawat, Sanju Singh, Swarna Kurmi and Neelesh Raipuriya
Eco-friendly Management of Colletotrichum capsici (Syd.) Butler and Bisby - The Incitant of Anthracnose of Chilli
Prashant Padghan, Bholanath Mondal and Rajendra Gade
Evaluation of different spacing and Irrigation Regimes on Nutrient uptake of spring’s Baby Corn
Anu, Shweta, Karmal Singh, Dinesh and Arun
Screening of Chilli germplasms for Resistance Against Soil Borne Pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum causing Bacterial Wilt
Thilak J.C., Ajjappalavara P.S., Ganiger V.M., Sandhyarani N., Ramangouda S.H., Abdul Kareem M. and Vinutha D.B.
Economic Analysis of Different Modules for the Management of Shoot and Fruit Borer (Earias vittella F.) of Okra
Heenashree Mansion, Umesh Chandra and Amit Kumar, Sreelakshmi B. R. and Garima Tak
The Crucial Role of elevated Carbon dioxide and Temperature on Soil Biodiversity in Agricultural Ecosystem: A Comprehensive Review
M. Homeshwari Devi, Immanuel C. Haokip, Asha Sahu, Sudeshna Bhattacharjya, K. Bharati and S.R. Mohanty
Characterization and Classification of Oil Palm Growing Soils of Khammam and Bhadradri Kothagudem Districts of Telangana
M. Pragnya, M. Ram Prasad, G. Jayasree and I.V. Srinivasa Reddy
Rapid Multiplication of Geographical Indication (GI) tagged Mysore Mallige (Jasminum azoricum L.) using Single Node
A. Ranjitha Ayodhya, K.S. Nirmala and Venkatesha Murthy P.
Estimation of Genetic variability and Association Studies for Quantitative Traits in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Sumalini K., Shiva Prasad G., Lingaiah N. and Sridhar V.
Evaluation of Consortium of Bioagents against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. pisi
Swarna Kurmi, Sanjeev Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Shingh, Rahul Patidar and Gopilal Anjana
Eco-friendly Management of Stem Canker Disease of Pigeonpea caused by Phoma cajani
Kanase K. M., S. S. Mane, S. T. Ingle and S. B. Bramhankar
Genetic variability and Selection Parameters for yield and its contributing characters in Quality Protein Maize (Zea mays L.)
Harshit Tripathi, R.K. Yadav, Lokendra Singh, H.C. Singh, Shweta, Pawan Kumar Saini, Swapnil Dwivedi and Pratyksh Pandey
Assessing Impacts of Projected Climate Change on the Streamflow of Kesinga Catchment, India using the SWAT Model
P. Chinna Vani, B.C. Sahoo, J.C. Paul, A.P. Sahu and A.K.B. Mohapatra
Eco-friendly Management with respect to Yellow Stem Borer (Scirpophaga incertulas Walker) on Rice
Ganga Bhavani Batta, K.L. Paikra, G.P. Paikra, P.K. Bhagat, Sachin Kumar Jaiswal and Priti Singh
Effect of Cocopeat with Agrowaste as casing Materials on Growth and Yield of White Button Mushroom [Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach]
Prdeep Singh Shekhawat, Sobita Simon, Abhilasha A. Lal and Kharapude Pragati Chandrakant
Quality and Economics of isabgol (Plantago ovata Forsk.) as influenced by Levels of Potassium and Zinc
Chetana Sharma, M.K. Kaushik, Disha Joshi, Manish Tomar, Bhavna Singh Rathore and Pooja Meena
Impact of integrated Nutrient Management on Soil, Economics, Phenology, Yield of Pearl Millet
Arun, Parvinder Kumar, A.K. Dhaka, Anu, Dikshant Sheoran and Yogesh Kumar
Effect of Foliar Spray of NAA and Zinc on Growth, Flowering and Yield Parameters of Guava (Psidium guajava) cv. Lucknow-49 under Western Uttar Pradesh conditions
Vishal Gangwar, Satya Prakash, Arvind Kumar, Vipin Kumar, Bharat Tiwari and Shalini Singh
Ali Sina Jayhoon, Pushpendra Kumar, Mukesh Kumar, M.K. Yadav, S.K. Singh, Pradeep Kumar and Alamgir
Performance of Mung Bean Varieties with New Generation Fertilizers and Organic Manures
Balveer Singh, Y.K. Singh, Kaushal Kumar, C.L. Maurya, Shikhar Verma, Shakti Singh and Ankit Upadhyay
Biochemical Traits of Selected Mango varieties Collected from Ranipet District
E. Priyavadhana and S. Pandarinathan
Mean Performance Analysis for different characters in Okra (Abelmoschus esculantus L. Moench)
Amit Kumar, Pramod Kumar, Raghvendra Pratap Singh, Imaran Ali and Roop Kishor Pachauri
Effect of Nitrogen Application on Nitrogen use Efficiency indices and Yield at Heading under different Nitrogen Levels of Rice Genotypes
Devika S., Anjali Anand, Pavithra K.S., Elangovan A. and Ramesh R.
Effect of Pre Plant Incorporation of Herbicidal Mixture on Weed Dynamics in Soybean under Black Soil of Jabalpur Region
Shani Gulaiya, K.K. Jain, Abhinav Rathi, Priya Kochale, Pinki Mehra, Rajkumar Prajapati and Abhishek Sharma
Evaluation of Diversified Cropping Systems in Kymore Plateau and Satpura Hills Zone of Madhya Pradesh for Productivity
Pramod Kumar, Siddarth Nayak, L.S. Shekhawat, R.P. Sahu, Nirmal Choudhary and Bhumika Singh Lodhi
An Economic Analysis of Jute in Katihar District of Bihar
S. Nayak, M.K. Wadhwani and S. Susovita
Effect of different Dates of Sowing, Irrigation Scheduling and Soil Amendments on Yield Attributes and Yield of Wheat
CH V L Kishore, Sharad Pandey, Maneesh Bhatt, Mamta and BKM Patro
Characterization, Applications, and Industrial Potential of Bacterial Laccases: A Comprehensive Study
Maninder Singh, Reena Singh and Chirag Chopra
Seasonal Incidence of Sucking Insect-Pests of Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]
Devesh Parmar, H. R. Chaudhary, B. K. Patidar, H.P. Meghwal and M.S. Meena
Biofortification with Micro-nutrients on Growth Parameters and Seed Yield on Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L)
Nandini Thondepu and Bineeta Michael Bara
Effect of Freeze Drying on the Macronutrient characteristics of Chenna Balls
Sanjana Pandey and Mohan Singh
Status of Potato Viruses and Temporal Dynamics of Potato Viral Diseases in Bhagalpur District of Bihar
Surpati Anand, Mohammad Ansar and Shatrudhan Kumar Choudhary
Effect of Applied Phosphorus, Sulphur and Bio-fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea L.) in Agri-horti System
Kumar A., Singh J.K., Choudhary S.K. and Anand S.
Effect of different Media, pH Levels and Temperature on Growth and Sporulation of Microdochium sorghi causing Zonate Leaf Spot of Sorghum
Banothu Chandrashekar, Yogendra Singh, B.K. Namriboi, Senthil Kumar S. and Marjit Chandam
Assessment of Crop Yield Losses in Green gram due to Major Insect-pests
Devendra Saini, Roop Singh Meena, Udai Pal Singh, Sudhir Pratap Singh and Ashok Sakharam Chandar
Therapeutic Potentials of Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Pavitra Revadi Jain, Vivek R. Kasaralikar, Pradeepkumar Hiremani, B. Roopali, Pavan, Manikya Sai Kiran and Sai Prasanna G.
Predicting the Frequency of Transgressive RILs and determining the Minimum Population Size required for their Recovery in Dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus L. Sweet)
M.P. Kalpana, M. Kemparaju, C.B. Siddu and G. Basanagouda
Exploring Genetic Variability for Grain Iron Content in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Das S., Lenka D., Tripathy S.K, Swain D.1, Dash M. and Bagchi T.B.
Productivity Profitability and Resource Use efficiency of Rain Fed Millet based Cropping System
Sunita Dandasena, Sabyasachi Biswal, Monika Ray and Ansuman Nayak
Cross-sectional Study on Social Diversity of Farmers and Constraints in Native Vezaguda Chicken Rearing
Sanat Mishra, Subrat Martha, Lipismita Samal, Mahamaya Prasad Nayak and Susanta Kumar Dash