Biological Forum - An International Journal - Volume 17(1) 2025
A Comparative in vitro Appraisal of Antioxidant Activity, Lipase Inhibition, Antidiabetic and Anticancer Effects of Fermented Milks Prepared using Different Lactic Strains
Urmila Parmar, Sreeja V., Subrota Hati, Sandhya H.S. and Archana Solanki
Addressing Multicollinearity in Path Analysis: Insights from Ridge Regression in Rice Yield Components
Kotadiya Trunal, Singh, S.K., S. Jayasudha, Kumar Ankit and Futane Aachal
Cardioprotective Potential of Lactic Acid Bacteria: An in vitro screening Study
Heena Parmar, Urmila Parmar, Sreeja V., Saroj Chaudhary and Kiran S.
Studies on Growth Performance and Evaluation of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) Genotypes for Seed Quality
Abha Shrivastava, R. Siddaraju, Shantharaja C.S. and T.V. Krishna
Deeper and Profuse Root System is a Major Determinant of Water Deficit Stress Tolerance in Rice
S. Krishna Adithya, M.S. Parvathi, R. Ramesh, P. Prameela, P.S. Abida and G.K. Krishna
Comparative In vitro Evaluation of Fungicides Against Phoma cajani causing Stem Canker of Pigeonpea
K.M. Kanase, S.S. Mane, S.T. Ingle, S.B. Bramhankar and V.P. Dhanorkar
Economics of Conventional and Drip Irrigated Coconut Cultivation in Palakkad district, Kerala
Rinshina T. and Seenath Peedikakandi
Production of Biodegradable Plastics from Agricultural Residues for Sustainable Development
Manasiben Devayatbhai Baku, Sumaya Fathima S. and Aniskumar Mani
Seasonal Incidence of Helicoverpa armigera (Hub.) on Chickpea in Relation to Abiotic Factors Semi-arid Region of Rajasthan
Rajkumar Bajya, D.K. Bairwa, B.L. Jat, J.K. Bana, Akhter Hussain, S.L. Sharma, Laxman Singh Saini, D.R. Bajya and Suman Choudhary
Limitations Encountered in Adaptation of Climate Resilient Technology by NICRA Beneficiaries and Non-beneficiaries in Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Sarjeet Yadav, Sonam Agarwal, S. Kachhawaha, Chandrika Sharma and Ramesh Chandra Jat
Exploring the Socio-personal and Socioeconomic Profile of Livestock Owners in Jabalpur Division of Madhya Pradesh, India
Sarita Paradkar, Shobhana Gupta, Siddharth Namdeo, Dileep Kumar Jatav and Toran Lal Nishad