International Journal on Emerging Technologies - Volume 10(4): 2019
Comparison of the Germinability and Protective Potentials of Helianthus annuus
Extracts and Copper Sulphate Solution on Cajanus cajan Seeds
Oghenerobor B. Akpor and Theodora O. Obeasor
Mycogenic Synthesis of Copper Nano-particles by Bio-controlling Fungi
(Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma viride) and its Antifungal activity on
Plant Pathogens
Naveen Babu Duvvi, Suneetha N. N., Anil Kumar N, Nagadesi P. K. and V. N. D. Rao Yenumula
Dynamic Feature based Computational model of Sentiment Analysis to Improve
Teaching Learning System
Y. Sahu, G.S. Thakur and S. Dhyani
Diversity of Philippine Photosynthetic Euglenophytes and their Potential
Biotechnological Uses: A Review
Eldrin DLR. Arguelles and Milagrosa R. Martinez-Goss
Development and Validation of Employee Green Behaviour Scale (EGBS) for IT
Professionals in India
Jovita Sherin George and K.N. Jayakumar
Text Classification using LSTM based Deep Neural Network Architecture
Sheelesh Kumar Sharma and Navel Kishor Sharma
Image Inpainting through Textures Synthesis using Spiking Neural Networks
Vineet Kumar, A. K. Sinha and A. K. Solanki
An Efficient Node Ranking Mechanism for Identifying Selective Forwarding
Attacks in WSN
Udaya Suriya Raj Kumar Dhamodharan, M. Nagamani and V. Krishnamoorthy
LVRT Capability Improvements with Hybrid Grey Wolf Optimizer–PSO Algorithm
Velappagari Sekhar and K. Ravi
Adaptive Recommendation Routing for node efficiency for Wireless Sensor
Siva Rama Krishnan S and Arun kumar T
Image Classification using Deep Neural Networks for Malaria Disease Detection
E. Laxmi Lydia, G. Jose Moses, N. Sharmili, K. Shankar and Andino Maseleno
Role of eWOM in Customer buying Decision-making Process: A Conceptual
Kiran S. Nair and Lakshmi C. Radhakrishnan
Optimal Allocation of Multiple Facts Devices with Hybrid Techniques for
Improving Voltage Stability
Hemachandra Reddy K., P. Ram Kishore Kumar Reddy and V. Ganesh
Insights from Changing Landscape in New Product Development and Approvals in Pharmaceutical Industry: Recent Trends for Betterment of Humanity
B. Thomas and P. Chugan
Design and Performance Analysis of C-Band Water Antenna
Naveeta Kant and Ramesh. K. Kulkarni
A Comparative Study on Hopfield Network with LBP, PCA and LDA for Face
Recognition in Distorted Face Images
Ramesh Chandra Sahoo and Sateesh Kumar Pradhan
Assessment of Small Scale Solar PV Electricity Generation Potential using a
Novel Technique
Gado Abubakar, Anbazhagi Muthukumar and Muthukumar Muthuchamy
Sequential Sampling Plan based on Truncated Life Test for Generalized
Exponential Distribution
Navjeet Singh and G.S. Buttar
The Rise of “Big Data†in the Field of Cloud Analytics
Saiteja Myla, Surya Teja Marella, K. Karthikeya, Preetham B. and S.K. Hasane Ahammad
Salt (NaCl) Stress-induced Antioxidant Enzyme activities, Osmolytes, ABA, Lipid
Peroxidation and Electrolytic leakage in Two Ragi (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn)
R. Desingh and G. Kanagaraj
Chemical Composition, Minerals and Vitamins Analysis of Lyophilized
Wheatgrass Juice Powder
Nandita Thakur, Harcharan Singh Dhaliwal and Vivek Sharma
Modified Differential Transform Method to Study Reaction Diffusion Mechanism
of Carcinogenic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon in Mammalian Cell Including
Perinuclear Membrane
Khushbu D. Patel and D.C. Joshi
Dual Dielectrically Modulated Electrostatically Doped Tunnel-FET for Biosensing
L.K. Bramhane, P.K. Kadbe, B.H. Patil, S.D. Chede and S.B. Lande
A Cluster Based Under-Sampling Solution for Handling Imbalanced Data
Subodhini Gupta and Anjali Jivani
Cancer Prediction in Skin Cell Culture using Finite Difference Time Domain
Shelendra Pal, Rajkumar and Vipul Shrama
A Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms in Fake News Detection
Faraz Ahmad and Lokeshkumar R.
Sensitivity Analysis and Evaluation of Critical Size of Reactor Using Response Surface Methodology
Olatomide Gbenga Fadodun, Ayodeji Olalekan Salau, Adebimpe Amos Amosun and Francis Idowu Ibitoye
Process Analytics Model for Health Care using IoT and Big Data Techniques
Sundar Santhoshkumar , A. Thasil Mohamed and E. Ramaraj
Numerical Treatment for ODE (Fifth order)
Saumya Ranjan Jena and Minakshi Mohanty
Process Analytics Model for Health Care using IoT and Big Data Techniques
Sundar Santhoshkumar , A. Thasil Mohamed and E. Ramaraj
Approximate Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations via Hybrid Block
Guesh Simretab Gebremedhin and Saumya Ranjan Jena
Insights from Drug Discovery Life Cycle Management in Pharmaceutical Industry: A Case-study
B. Thomas and P. Chugan
Analysis of Fracture and Gunshot Entrance Pattern of Skull caused by 0.22- caliber CZ 75 and 0.38-caliber Smith & Wesson
Bhoopesh Kumar Sharma, Mayssa Hachem, Sharmila Narayanan, Jenvita Castelino, Subbah Sharma and Jacinth Simeon
Influence of Shared Knowledge in Accounting Departments when Implementing Organizational Strategies: Kuwait as a Case Study
Al-Mansour J. and Al-Nesafi A.
An Innovative TOPSIS Framework in Hesitant Fuzzy Using Multi-Criterion and Multi-Objective Group Decision System for Breast Carcinoma
K.R. Sekar , R.V. S Sai Rohit , R. Jeyalakshmi , G. Sathiamoorthy and C. Thaventhiran
Influence of Monetary Policy on the Profitability of the Commercial Bank– An
Analytical Study of the State Bank of India
Meraj Banu and Sudha Vepa
Some Theorems Associated with Finite Difference Calculus and its Applications
in Hypergeometric Reduction Formulae
Nadeem Ahmad
Exploring Social Networking Sites usage in University: A Study in North East
Minorita Lyngdoh and Glenn C. Kharkongor
Estimation of Sea Clutter Parameters for Long Range using STFT
Gurumurthy Vemula and Kakarla Subba Rao
Impact of Factors affecting Employee Retention on Turnover Intentions: In Indian
IT Sector
Satpal, Rajbir Singh and Manju Dhillon
Challenges to Rural Livelihood Practices: A comparative study among Garos &
Non-Garos in West Garo Hills District of Meghalaya, India
Sunildro L.S. Akoijam
Effect of Four Mukhi Rudraksha on Cognitive Dysfunction in Stressed Working
Shiva Sharma, D.V. Rai and Manisha Rastogi
The Study of the Eustress as A Mediator for Enhancing the Job Satisfaction of
Employees in the Banking Sector
A.C. Pavithra and V.J. Sivakumar
An Efficient Software Source Code Metrics for Implementing for Software Quality
Varun Kar Lal Srivastava and Amit Asthana
MMRP: Multi Metric Based Routing Protocol for Streaming QoS Guaranteed
Multimedia Data over 802.11n, 802.11b & 802.11g
P. Suganya and Pradeep Reddy C.H.
Microwave-Assisted Green Synthesis of Silver Nano-particles using
Pithecellobium dulce (pulichinthakaya): Characterization and Detection of Hg+2
and Fe+3 metal Ions
Gugulothu Yaku, K. Chandra Rekha and T.V.D. Prasad Rao
Microbial Mineral Precipitation to Develop the Properties of the Concrete- A
K.B. Vaghela and J.R. Pitroda
Assorted Sentiment Analysis Model for Natural Crisis Response and Recovery
using Big Data driven Technology
S. Dhyani, G.S. Thakur and Y. Sahu
Efficiency of Buck DC-DC Switching Power Converter in CCM and SDCM of
Mahesh Gowda N. M.
Reliability Evaluation of Renewable Energy Integrated Power System in Presence
of Energy Storage System
Hemansu Patel and Anuradha Deshpande
Cyber Stalking: Technological Form of Sexual Harassment
Rohini Chahal, Lovish Kumar, Shivam Jindal and Poonam Rawat
Designing a Decision Support Framework for Municipal Solid Waste Management
Narendra Sharma, Ratnesh Litoriya, Deepika Sharma and Harsh Pratap Singh
Enhanced Preprocessing Filter for Biometric Images Applications with PSNR
A. Afreen Habiba and B. Raghu
Selection and Preparation of Suitable Composite Phase Change Material for PV
Module Cooling
V. Karthikeyan, P. Prasannaa, N. Sathishkumar, Kanchanok Emsaeng, Sukruedee Sukchai
and Chatchai Sirisamphanwong
Development of Pedestrian Safety Index Model at Mid-block Crossings for Urban
Roads in Developing Countries using Multiple Linear Regression
Adinarayana Badveeti and Mohammad Shafi Mir
Simulation Analysis of FRP- Strengthened RC Slab using ODLN-SSO Approach
R. Surendra Babu, K.S. Sai Ram and Kota Srinivasu
Impact of Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning on Performance
in Healthcare Sector
Tamanna and Sanjeev K. Sharma
Development of Mathematical Model of Bottom Hole Assembly for Rotary
Steerable System
Ya. I. Binder , E.E. Kharlamova , V.E. Kharlamov , V.P. Lozhechko , V.A. Smirnov and D.A. Sokolov
Methods to assess Usability and Acceptability of Technologies for
Home-based Rehabilitation a Systematic Review
G. Sgherri , M. Avola , E. Beani , C. Chisari G. Cioni and G. Sgandurra
Soil Quarrying for Brick Kiln and Its Impact on Environment: A Study in Tufanganj Block-I, Koch Bihar, West Bengal
Nazrul Islam
Multiple Clip conditions on Chemically Reacting Flow of MHD Jeffrey Fluid over
Vertical surface in a Suspension of Brownian Motion and Thermophoresis
D. Manjula and K. Jayalakshmi
QSAR and Molecular Descriptor Analysis of Substituted 5-(-2 – methoxy
benzylidene) - Rhodanine Ester Analogs as aldose Reductase Inhibitory Activity
Jyoti Pandey, Arun K. Gupta and Ritu M. Gilhotra
Sustainability of Irrigation through GIS-based Trend Analysis of Groundwater Depletion Bhiwani District, Haryana
Rekha Kumari, Shruti Kanga and Suraj Kumar Singh
Diagnosis of Arm Injuries using MRI Images and Multi-Agent System (MAS)
Naveen Dalal