This is a brief description of what is expected to contain within a manuscript:
Title: Manuscripts should be headed by a concise title. Please include the full name(s) of the author(s), complete mailing address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address. In case of multiple authorships, please indicate the main author to whom all correspondence concerning the paper should be directed.
Abstract: All manuscripts should be accompanied by self-contained abstracts, of not more than 250 words. The abstract should cover the aims, scope and conclusion of the paper. After the abstract, provide a maximum of five (5) keywords for information retrieval purposes.
Introduction: It includes the scientific importance, historical background relevance to other area and objectives of the paper.
Methods It should be written in sufficient detail to enable others to repeat the author(s) work.
Results and Discussion The aim of discussion is the interpretation of the results and their relation to the existing knowledge. The information given in any part of the text may be cited but not repeated in the Discussion Section. Each section and sub-section should be numbered using the Arabic numerals. Please use SI Units for all scientific and laboratory data.
All tables should be kept simple and clear, and should be referred to in the text. They should be numbered, titled, and typed using double spacing on separate pages in the order of which they are referred to in the text
Illustrations should only be included if they are informative and add to the understanding of the reader. Illustrations including diagrams and graphs should be sharp, noise free and of good contrast. Line drawings should be in black ink on a white background and lettering size must be large enough to permit legible reduction whenever necessary. The authors should provide the illustrations as separate files, as well as embedded in the text file, numbered consecutively in the order of their appearance. Each figure should include a single illustration. Each figure should be closely cropped to minimize the amount of white space surrounding the illustration.
If a figure consists of separate parts, it is important that a single composite illustration file be submitted, containing all parts of the figure. Photographs should be provided with a scale bar if appropriate, as well as high-resolution component files.
List of abbreviations
If abbreviations are used in the text either they should be defined in the text where first used, or a list of abbreviations can be provided.
A glossary of terms/expressions used in the paper should be provided in the order of their appearance in the article.
All equations must be clearly typed, tripled-spaced and should be identified or numbered accordingly.
Binomial Names: (Relevant for only Biomedical Field)
Italics should be used for Binomial names of organisms (Genus and Species), for emphasis and for unfamiliar words or phrases. Non-assimilated words from Latin or other languages should also be italicized e.g. per se, et al. etc.
Conclusion: This should clearly explain the main conclusions of the work highlighting its importance and relevance.
A brief acknowledgment of not more than 50 words can be included at the end of the manuscript, before the list of references.
Conflict of Interest: Must given.
References style should be APA style.
Should appear in a separate Reference section at the end of the manuscript, typed single-spaced in the order of item referred to the next, using numerals in square brackets.
For Journal
Author, A. (Publication Year). Article title. Journal Name, Vol.(Issue): pp-pp.
APA format example:
Suresh, K.S., Ravichandran, K.S., Aananthakrishnan, S. and Ponmani, E. (2017). Emergence of multi objective genetic algorithm in robot path planning –a survey. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 8(8): 1449–1457.
Citing a journal article found online
APA format structure:
Author, A. (Publication Year). Article title. Periodical Title, Volume(Issue), pp-pp. doi:XX.XXXXX or Retrieved from URL
APA format example:
Jameson, J. (2013). E-Leadership in higher education: The fifth “age” of educational technology research. British Journal of Educational Technology, 44(6), 889-915. doi: 10.1111/bjet.12103
Citing a magazine article in print
APA format structure:
Author, A. (Year, month of Publication). Article title. Magazine Title, Volume(Issue), pp.-pp.
APA format example:
Tumulty, K. (2006, April). Should they stay or should they go? Time, 167(15), 3-40.
For Book:
Author, A. (Year of Publication). Title of work. Publisher City, State: Publisher.
APA format example:
Finney, J. (1970). Time and again. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.
Peer-Review Process: Manuscripts will be examined by members of the editorial staff and sent to outside reviewers. Communications about manuscripts will be sent after the review and editorial decision-making process is complete. After a manuscript has been reviewed, the correspondence author will be informed of the result. If it is fit for publication, then he/she should respond to the comments from the reviewers by making necessary corrections to the initial manuscript submitted. The corrected version of the manuscript with the required format should be sent back to the editor within a specified time frame. If necessary the reviewer will be consulted to decide whether the corrections have been made. The manuscript will then be ready for publication.
Copyright Transfer: Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, or thesis) that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher. One of the authors of the manuscript should sign the copyrights of their manuscripts. While the advice and information in this journal are believed to be true and accurate on the date of its going to press, neither the authors, the editors, nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made. The publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein.
Covering Letter: For e-mail submission of a manuscript, it is a mandatory requirement that a covering letter be also submitted, delineating the scope of your submitted article, declaring any potential competing interests, acknowledging contributions from authors and funding agencies, and certifying that the paper is prepared according to the ‘Instructions for Authors’. All inconsistencies in the text and in the reference section and any typographical errors must be carefully checked and corrected before submission of the manuscript.